
  1. 在之前的矛盾中,约六个月前林和黄洋在网上热门的聊天平台QQ中删除了彼此的信息。

    In previous disagreements , Lin and Huang deleted each other 's contacts on popular online chatting platform QQ some six months ago .

  2. 黄洋4月16日死于中毒。

    Huang died of poisoning on April 16 .

  3. 林事实上在黄洋住院的中山医院还给他做了B超检查。

    Lin actually did the ultrasound examination on Huang at Zhongshan Hospital where he was being treated .

  4. 4月1日黄洋喝了寝室饮水机里的水之后开始生病。

    Huang fell ill on April 1 after drinking water from a dispenser in the room he shared with Lin.

  5. 在这桩悲剧中,27岁的黄洋被室友杀害,而这一切的元凶,正是日常生活中的琐碎小事。

    Trivial matters in daily life were blamed for the tragedy , in which 27-year-old Huang Yang was killed .

  6. 林在3月31日不再购买饮用水,这一天黄洋喝了有毒的水。

    Lin ended up buying the drinking water container on March 31 , the day Huang drank the poisoned water .

  7. 但出乎许多人的意料的是即使在黄洋中毒后林继续冷静地进行着他的工作。

    But what surprised many was that even after poisoning Huang , Lin continued to carry on with his work calmly .

  8. 据报道林对他的室友即复旦大学医学院的研究生黄洋心生怨恨。

    Lin reportedly bore a grudge against Huang Yang , his roommate and a postgraduate student at Fudan University Medical School .

  9. 尽管黄洋的病情恶化,林还和他的同学讨论着论文,好像什么事也没有发生。

    Even as Huang 's condition deteriorated , Lin was discussing his essays with his classmates as if nothing had happened .

  10. 六月,林森浩的律师谢通祥称黄洋可能是死于对药物的过敏反应。

    In June , Lin 's lawyer Xie Tongxiang claimed that Huang might have died from an allergic reaction to a drug .

  11. 该报暗示林可能已经被黄洋的言论深深伤害,促使他采取了残酷的一步。

    The newspaper suggested that Lin may have been deeply hurt by Huang 's remarks , prompting him to take the harsh step .

  12. 即使黄洋的父亲4月3日来到上海陪伴他生病的儿子时也没有怀疑林。

    Even Huang 's father , who came to Shanghai to be with his sick son on April 3 , did not suspect Lin.

  13. 黄洋和葛林建议三人平摊水费,但林不愿意,他声称自己喝得少。

    Huang and Ge suggested that they split the money equally but Lin was unwilling as he claimed that he drank less from the dispenser .

  14. 检察院认为他的室友黄洋因喝下了被投毒的水之后于4月16日死于器官衰竭。

    Prosecutors argued that Huang Yang , his roommate , drunk the tainted water and this caused him to die of organ failure on April 16 .

  15. 黄洋的父亲告诉北京的镜报记者,“我支持法院的判决,我很欣慰我儿子终于讨回了正义。”

    Huang 's father told Beijing-based The Mirror newspaper that " I support the court 's decision and I 'm glad my son has gotten justice . "

  16. 但昨天《南方周末》的一份报告称林与黄洋及另一位室友葛林曾因谁因付水费而起过争执。

    But a report in yesterday 's Southern Weekend newspaper claims Lin , Huang and another roommate Ge Lin quarreled over who should pay for the water container .

  17. 黄洋坪廖家村“以雄树群为主体的野银杏残存群落”,首次揭示了“野银杏群落学性比配搭及水平分布”的特殊性;

    In Liaojia Village of Huangyang Ping , a relic community of wild ginkgo with primarily male trees shows for the first time the specialty of the sex ratio and horizontal distribution of ginkgo ;

  18. 林的同学猜测黄洋可能嘲笑过林的家庭背景,给他一个凤凰男的标签&是对那些辛苦劳动或钻研多年来摆脱贫穷的家庭背景的人的一种贬损。

    Lin 's classmates speculated that Huang might have mocked Lin over his family background , labeling him a Phoenix man - a derogatory snide at people who toil or study diligently for years to get rid of their poor family background .

  19. 林的同学猜测黄洋可能嘲笑过林的家庭背景,给他一个“凤凰男”的标签——是对那些辛苦劳动或钻研多年来摆脱贫穷的家庭背景的人的一种贬损。

    Lin 's classmates speculated that Huang might have mocked Lin over his family background , labeling him a " Phoenix man " - a derogatory snide at people who toil or study diligently for years to get rid of their poor family background .