
  • 【人名】Bosco Wong
  1. 胡杏儿(右)出席无线台庆亮灯仪式时,旁为绯闻男友黄宗泽。

    When Myolie attended TVB Lighting Ceremony , rumoured boyfriend , Bosco Wong was by her side .

  2. 进的退隐,叫一心跟随他的石世九(黄宗泽)失望不已。

    His withdrawal from gang activities has deeply disappointed Shek Sai Kau ( Bosco wong ), who is an ardent follower of him .

  3. 另外,对于绯闻男友黄宗泽曾代言的美容院结业,她相信不会影响对方形象。

    In addition , as for her rumored boyfriend , Bosco Wong , whom was once the spokesperson for a beauty salon which is now shut down , she believes that this incident will not affect his image .