
  • 网络Yellow Earth;loess;Yellow Land
  1. 正如自然界中的大多数绿色生命是由蓝天和黄土地孕育出来的一样。

    just as most green in nature is given life by blue sky and yellow earth .

  2. 天更冷了,地上一点绿色都没有了,只剩下大片大片的黄土地。

    Colder days , and on the ground that are not green , and left large tracts of Yellow Earth .

  3. 湿陷性黄土地基桩的负摩擦力问题

    Problems on Negative Friction of Pile Foundation in Collapsible Loess Region

  4. 湿陷性黄土地基桩基负摩阻力简化计算

    Simplified calculation of negative friction for pile foundation in collapsible loess

  5. 黄土地的绿色希望&径流果园

    Runoff Orchard A Green Hope for Loess-land

  6. 郑西客运专线深厚湿陷性黄土地基桩板结构设计分析

    Design and Analysis on Pile-Board Structure of Deep Collapsible Loess Ground along Zhengzhou-Xi'an Passenger Dedicated Railway Line

  7. 我的脚埋在肥沃的黄土地里;我昂着头,高高地向着天空。

    My feet are set in the good brown earth and I lift up my head to the sky .

  8. 白杨和养育他成长的黄土地一样,在一些人眼中,几乎会忘记他的存在。

    Poplar and raising the land as he grew yellow , in some eyes , almost forgotten his existence .

  9. 1984年的一部《黄土地》使他跻身中国一线导演之列。

    Kaige 's films , like " Yellow Earth "( 1984 ), have made him a leading figure in Chinese cinema .

  10. 抹不去的黄土地情结&边缘文化使者杨起先生装置艺术探微

    A Complex About the Loess Plateau & A Survey of the Installations by Mr. Yang Qi , " a Cultural Frontier "

  11. 只要挪动一点杂草生存的空间,他就会把黄土地装点,撑起一片绿色。

    Just move a little room for weeds to survive , she would decorate the yellow earth , hold up a green .

  12. 红拳作为优秀的民族文化就诞生在这片黄土地上。

    As a kind of representive of our outstanding national culture , Red Boxing was just born in this beautiful yellow farmland .

  13. 其中1985年的《黄土地》被英国电影协会誉为最佳原创和想象电影;

    Among them , The Yellow Earth won the 1985 British Movie Institute ( BFI ) award for the most original and imaginative movie ;

  14. “陕派”电视剧是一种具有厚重的黄土地气息、古朴的城市风韵、粗犷的关中风情为主要美学特征的电视剧艺术流派;

    Shaanxi TV play is a kind of special art school whose main aesthetic characteristics are simple , straightforward and charming , full of local features .

  15. 而窑洞门窗格子的装饰艺术更体现了与这片黄土地相适应的朴素美学造物。

    The decorative art of the lattices of the windows and doors can best reflect the aesthetic qualities that suit the characteristics of the loess plateau .

  16. 而且,中国的传统文化是以黄土地农耕文明为主体的,以生命为最高原则来审视一切存有关系的哲学体系。

    Furthermore , the traditional Chinese culture is a system of philosophy ruled by life to examine all beings , and its main part is the agricultural civilization .

  17. 从后《黄土地》到后贾樟柯时代&第六代电影美学与产业发展略论

    From the " Post Yellow Land " to the " Post Jia Zhang-ko " & A Probe into the Aesthetics and Industrial Strategy of the Sixth Generation of Films

  18. 各种因素的合力,构成苏南农民分化流动的动力机制,激励苏南农民走出黄土地,向心走向城市。

    These multi-factors have combined to form the dynamic mechanics of farmers ' division and migration , encouraging farmers of southern Jiangsu province to leave the farmland to flow to cities .

  19. 陕北民歌是中华民族民歌艺术的一支奇葩,是中华民族黄土地文化的地上的精神文物,更是我国民间文学宝库中的一颗璀璨的明珠。

    Folk Songs is a wonderful Chinese folk art is the culture of the Chinese Yellow Earth , " the spirit of earth relics ," is our folk literature for a bright pearl .

  20. 山西是中华民族黄河流域文化的发祥地之一,凝聚三晋文化的晋作家具就诞生在这块黄土地上,经继承、演变、发展,形成了自己的独特风格。

    Shanxi is the birthplace of Chinese culture , one of the Yellow River , Shanxi cultural cohesion for the furniture Jin was born in this yellow ground , through inheritance , evolution , development , and formed its own unique style .

  21. 以河南为中心的中原地区,是中华文明的发祥地,扎根在这片黄土地上的中原民间玩具以历史悠久、品种丰富著称于世。

    Central China , which is centered as Henan Province , is the birthplace of Chinese civilization . The civil toys , which are rooted in this yellow ground have a long history . Their rich varieties are known for the world .

  22. 陕西油画家热爱和眷恋着这片黄土地,用自己对陕西文化的理解创作出许多代表着当地地域文化的作品,这与陕西历史文化的悠久和沉淀下的民俗文化是分不开的。

    Oil painters in Shaanxi have great love and cherish on this region . They created their works which represents the local cultural with their own understandings of the Shaanxi culture . All of this can not be separated with the long history and folk customer in Shaanxi culture .

  23. 欧亚黄土中古地磁极性界线的地层学解释

    Stratigraphical interpretation of geomagnetic polarity boundaries in Eurasian loess

  24. 大气沉降核素~(7)Be在黄土高原地被物中的分布初探

    Primary study on distribution of cosmogenic ~ ( 7 ) Be in the soil surface cover materials on loess plateau

  25. 工程建成后,部分山坡地灌区会产生滑坡,黄土塬地在灌溉初期可能出现普遍的地面湿陷;

    After the project complete part of hillside irrigative area can create landsides , the loess tableland can appear collapsible loess widely .

  26. 我国黄土高原地处农牧交错带,是传统农牧耦合主要区域,优质饲草生产是该区域草地农业系统稳定的关键。

    Loess Plateau is located at the agriculture and pasturage interlaced zone , which is the main area of traditional coupling of agro-pastoral system .

  27. 黄土沟壑地、居民点和裸岩的平均径流量均较大,其次为坡地、坝地和梯田。

    The runoff of loess gully land , bare rocks and resident was bigger than that of slope farmland , dam land and terrace .

  28. 利用供沙土槽和细沟土槽双土槽径流小区系统,定量分析了粘黄土陡坡地在50、90和130mmh降雨强度下上方来水来沙对坡下方细沟水流水力学参数变化的影响。

    A dual-box system , consisting of a feeder box , located at up-slope , and a test box , located at down-slope was used to quantify impacts of runoff and sediment from up-slope on rill hydraulic parameters under different rainfall intensities of 50,90 and 130 mm / h.

  29. 中国的陆相黄土地层连续地记录了第四纪以来的古气候变化。

    Chinese loess deposits continuously documents the Quaternary climatic changes .

  30. 永登黄土地区爆破地震动近场效应的研究

    Study on ground motion near source by blast excitation in Yongdeng Loess Region