
  1. 常德纠纷在5月27日的一场仲裁听证会上达到高潮,当时沃尔玛常德店工会主席黄兴国,与代表沃尔玛的中国本土精锐律师事务所金杜律师事务所(King&WoodMallesons)的律师当庭交锋。

    The Changde case came to a head at an arbitration hearing on May 27 when the head of the outlet 's union , Huang Xingguo , squared off against Walmart 's lawyers from King & Wood Mallesons , an elite Chinese law firm .

  2. 黄兴国誓言将常德的抗议进行下去,即便警方在周末强行带走了一些工人。

    Mr Huang has vowed to continue the Changde protest even after police forcibly detained workers at the weekend .

  3. 黄兴国表示,他对该仲裁委员会的裁决感到意外和失望,并打算上诉。

    Mr Huang said he was surprised and disappointed by the arbitrators " ruling , and intended to appeal .

  4. 沃尔玛常德店工会主席黄兴国参与了此次纠纷,这激励了劳动者权利团体,它们表示,这是中国工人运动发展中的一个重大事件。

    The involvement of the union head , Huang Xingguo , in the Changde dispute excited worker rights groups , who said it was a significant event in the development of China 's labour movement .

  5. 每当他们觉得,在两位律师的帮助下,黄兴国在与沃尔玛律师团队的辩论中得分时,他们就会低声赞同或轻笑,有时他们还会在对方陈述时发出嘘声。

    They murmured or chuckled appreciatively when they felt that Mr Huang , aided by two lawyers , had scored rhetorical points in their debate with Walmart 's legal team , and sometimes hissed at their opponents " arguments .