
yào yīnɡ
  • Harrier eagle;sparrow hawk
鹞鹰 [yào yīng]
  • [sparrow hawk] 雀鹰的通称

  1. 东半球主要吃腐肉的深色鸢鹞鹰。

    Dark old world kite feeding chiefly on carrion .

  2. 温带和热带地区的灰白色美洲鸢鹞鹰。

    Gray-and-white American kite of warm and tropical regions .

  3. 北美洲优雅的黑白色鸢鹞鹰。

    Graceful North American black-and-white kite .

  4. 箭蛇要在那里作窝、下蛋、抱蛋、生子,聚子在其影下;鹞鹰各与伴偶聚集在那里。

    There shall the great owl make her nest , and lay , and hatch , and gather under her shadow : there shall the vultures also be gathered , every one with her mate .
