
  • 网络Thigh;chicken thigh
  1. 朱元璋笑曰:好一个「冠黄、羽黄、啄黄」,故赐名「三黄鸡」。黄焖鸡主食材为三黄鸡的鸡大腿,从此,三黄鸡名扬天下,同时也成了宫廷必备品之一。

    Emperor Zhu then replies with a smile , " what a chicken with yellow crest , feather and mouth ! " so he names it three-yellow chicken and since then it becomes well-known and indispensable in the imperial court . The main food material of braised three-yellow chicken is chicken thigh ;

  2. 从某些角度讲,鸡大腿是做汤的理想材料:它怎么煮都不会老。

    In some ways , chicken thighs are the perfect meat for soup : It 's practically impossible to overcook them .

  3. 40岁的上海家庭主妇MacyLu说,自己近来买的是泰森鸡肉,因为这些鸡大腿无骨无皮,相较其它地方的鸡腿更为方便。

    Macy Lu , a 40-year-old homemaker in Shanghai , says she bought Tyson chicken recently because the deboned and skinned thighs were more convenient than what she would have bought elsewhere .

  4. 如果鸡大腿很容易撕下来,鸡肉变成白色,说明已经熟了。

    If the leg is easily falling away , and the flesh is white the chicken is done .

  5. 慢锅炖是你最好的选择你可以把煲吊起来,在早上就丢一些鸡大腿,蒜末下去加点酱油,然后回来再享受这顿大餐。

    A slow cooker is your best bet you can sling some chicken thighs , minced garlic and soy sauce in in the morning , and come back to a feast .

  6. 鸡大腿:它们比鸡胸的脂肪和卡路里更高,但只要你去皮和消除任何多余的脂肪,经济型鸡大腿是对你很好的饮食。

    Chicken thighs : They are higher in fat and calories than breasts , but as long as you remove the skin and any excess fat , economical thighs fit into a good-for-you diet .

  7. 实际上别人曾经创新过他的想法,那就是在将火鸡放入烤箱前把弹簧塑料传感器塞进鸡的大腿里。

    Others actually beat him to the idea of a spring-loaded plastic sensor that you 'd stick into the thigh of the bird before shoving it in the oven .