  • mandarin fish
  • 〔~鱼〕体侧扁,性凶猛,生活在淡水中,味鲜美。是中国特产。亦作“桂鱼”;有些地区称“花鲫鱼”。

  • (鱖)

  • 〔~鯞〕即“鳑鲏”。

  • (鱖)

  1. 本研究对鳜非特异性免疫因子白介素-8(IL-8)基因进行了克隆,并对已克隆的五个非特异性免疫因子白介素-1?

    The present study aims to clone interleukin-8 ( IL-8 ) and express five mandarin fish non-specific immune genes in Escherichia coli , including interleukin-1 ?

  2. 结果表明:1)鳜塘浮游生物群落DNA序列丰富度与水质综合指数呈显著负相关关系(P<0.01);2)池塘高密度养殖会造成浮游生物丰富度降低和水质综合指数升高;

    The results showed that there was a significant negative correlation between the DNA sequence diversity of plankton communities and water quality index , and high stocking density decreased the DNA sequence diversity and increased the water quality index .

  3. 巢式PCR检测鳜传染性脾肾坏死病毒(ISKNV)糖尿病脂性渐进性坏死

    Detection of infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus ( ISKNV ) of mandarin fish ( Siniperca chuatsi ) by nested PCR

  4. 制备的兔抗鳜IL-1β、IL-8、viperin和invariantchain多克隆抗体为在体外研究这些基因在组织中的分布奠定基础。

    The rabbit antisera of IL-1 ? , IL-8 , viperin and invariant chain fusion proteins have basis on analyzing the distribution of these genes in the mandarin fish tissues in vitro .

  5. 国内外鳜类研究及养殖概况

    Study on M and erin fish and its Culture Home and Abroad

  6. 翘嘴鳜细菌性败血症的免疫预防研究

    Studies on the immunoprophylaxis against bacterial septicemia in mandarinfish

  7. 这表明我国斑鳜不同地理群体间已产生明显的遗传分化,但未与其自然地理分布格局呈完全对应关系。

    The phylogenetic relationship revealed by the Cyt b sequence was not consistent with the species'geographical distribution patterns .

  8. 以上结果为进一步研究它们对鳜生长发育调控作用奠定了分子基础。

    These results may build the molecular base for further study on growth and development regulation of IGFs .

  9. 本研究结果可为深入探讨鳜类物种有效性、系统分类位置及生物地理学提供依据。

    These results were helpful for further understanding systematic position , species validity and biogeography of the sinipercine fishes .

  10. 渔业子系统经济效益好,环境影响减小,是系统内可持续发展性最强的子系统,引入翘嘴鳜的生态经济边际效益显著。

    With higher economic benefit and lower environmental impact , the sustainable development potential of fishery subsystem is the best among the three subsystems .

  11. 鳜捕食行为的研究甜菜碱和二甲亚砜对麦穗鱼的诱食活性及麦穗鱼摄食行为的研究

    On the feeding behaviour of mandarin fish ( siniperca chuatsi ) the study of food attractability of betaine and DM and feeding behavior of Pseudorasbora parva

  12. 研究结果表明,鳜快肌、慢肌在肌纤维细胞形态、蛋白质组成以及肌球蛋白重链分子结构上均存在较明显的差异,这些差异与其担负不同的运动功能相关。

    These results showed that fast muscle and slow muscle had significantly differences at histological , protein composition and molecular levels , which suggested their different motion functions .

  13. 鳄龟箱式高密度高产生态养殖技术研究网箱养鳜对环境的影响及水体承载力研究

    Study on the Technology of Intensive Cage Culture of Chelydra serpentina Effects of the Mandarin Fish Cage Culture on the Environment and the Carrying Capacity of the Water Body

  14. 易驯化和不易驯化组间的杂交鳜之间既存在着形态差异也具有相似性,部分的易驯化杂交鳜表现出了一定程度的形态分化。

    The result also indicated that morphological differences as well as similarity are exited between the easy domestication and difficult domestication hybrid and some easy domestication hybrid shows a certain degree of morphological differentiation .

  15. 原种和良种两群体间遗传相似度和遗传距离分别是0.6905和0.3095。表明野生鳜具有较高的遗传多样性,养殖良种与野生群体间有明显遗传差异,人工选育对鳜遗传多样性造成显著影响。

    The smaller genetic similarity rate ( 0.6905 ) and bigger geneticdistance ( 0.3095 ) between two populations indicate that there is obvious genetic differentiation , which suggests that aquaculture has generated reduction in genetic diversity .
