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  • fish protein
  1. 鱼蛋白粉(浓缩鱼蛋白FPC)的营养价值

    The nutritional value of fish protein concentrate

  2. 低值鱼蛋白的酸酶复合水解工艺研究

    Acidic and Enzymatic Multi-hydrolysis Process Optimization of Low Value Fish Protein

  3. 对浓缩鱼蛋白(FPC)进行动物致突变试验、急性毒性试验、以及卫生指标签定,分析评价了其食用的安全性。

    The experiments have been done for detecting the mutagenicity and toxicity of FPC . The sanitary indexes of FPC have been analyzed . The edible safety of FPC has been evaluated .

  4. 沙丁鱼蛋白的水解效果优于红三鱼蛋白。

    The hydrolyzed result of sardine is better than of nemipterus .

  5. 一种新的鱼蛋白胨在产黄青霉生产青霉素中的应用

    The application of a new fish peptone during Penicillium chrysogenum producing penicillin

  6. 浓缩鱼蛋白的营养价值及安全性评价

    The Evaluation for the Nutritional Value and Safety of Fish Protein Concentrate

  7. 鱼蛋白粉治疗小儿腹泻的疗效观察

    Therapeutic effect of fish protein powder on infantile diarrhea

  8. 鱼蛋白冷冻变性及其抗冻剂的研究综述

    A Review of Study on Freezing Denaturation of Fish Protein and Its Cryoprotectants

  9. 本文研究了蛋白水解酶引导鱼蛋白水解物的类蛋白反应。

    The plastein reaction that enzyme induced was studied .

  10. 酶法水解梅鱼蛋白的实验研究

    Research on the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Protein in Small Miscellaneous Fish Enzyme mimics

  11. 水产养殖业的发展为人类获取鱼蛋白提供了另一种手段。

    Development of aquaculture offers another means of supplying man with fish protein .

  12. 微波水解制备鱼蛋白的研究

    The Study of Preparation of Fish Protein by Microwave

  13. 海洋鱼蛋白可控酶解动力学模型的研究

    Study on kinetic model of controllable-hydrolysis of sea-fish protein

  14. 用响应面法分析栅栏因子对组织化鱼蛋白模拟食品贮藏稳定性的影响

    Effects of hurdle factors on storage stability of textured fish protein-based imitation foods

  15. 畜肉状浓缩鱼蛋白的研制

    Manufacture of meat - textured fish protein concentrate

  16. 鱼蛋白甘蓝专用肥能够促进甘蓝的生长发育,甘蓝叶球产量显著增加。

    To cabbage , special fertilizer promoted the growth by increasing leaf ball yield .

  17. 乳状鱼蛋白的营养评价

    Evaluation of Nutritive Value of Creamy Fish Protein

  18. 酶解淡水鱼蛋白制取血管紧张素转化酶抑制肽的研究

    Study on the Angiotensin ⅰ - Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Peptides from Enzymatic Hydrolyzed Freshwater Fish

  19. 可控酶解从海洋鱼蛋白中制备生物活性肽的研究

    Study on Manufacture of Bioactive Peptide from Oceanic Fish Protein by Controlled - enzymatic Hydrolysis

  20. 畜肉状浓缩鱼蛋白是八十年代开发的一种新产品。

    Meat-textured fish protein concentrate ( MT-FPC ) is a new product developed in 1980 's.

  21. 鱼蛋白复合多肽的生产工艺研究

    The Production of Fish Protein Complex Polypeptides

  22. 鱼蛋白的综合利用途径2.酸贮液体鱼蛋白

    Utilization of Fish Protein 2 Fish Silage

  23. 鱼蛋白的综合利用途径1.鱼粉

    Utilization of Fish Protein 1 Fish Meal

  24. 鱼蛋白粉的营养评价

    The Nutritional Assessment of Fish Protein

  25. 鱼蛋白水解物的类蛋白反应

    Plastein reaction of fish protein hydrolysate

  26. 铁质强化型鱼蛋白的研制

    Trituration of iron strengthening fish protein

  27. 在同一饵料蛋白水平内,全鱼蛋白与灰分含量随着饵料脂肪水平的提高呈逐渐升高趋势。

    At the same protein level , body protein and ash contents increased with increasing dietary lipid level .

  28. 这个鱼蛋白粉不但蛋白质含量高,而且氨基酸的模式平衡好。

    The FPC contains not only high protein content but also a well balanced essential amino acid pattern .

  29. 对采用酶解法和酸水解法制备的白鲢鱼蛋白粉的营养成分进行了分析,从氨基酸组成上表明鱼蛋白粉具有较高的营养价值,在食品行业有较大应用前景。

    Fish protein hydrolysates were prepared by enzyme or acid . The fish protein powder had very good nutrition value .

  30. 采用化学分析、氨基酸组成分析及动物体内实验等方法,进行了鳀鱼蛋白水解物的一般成分、氨基酸组成和抗高血脂作用研究。

    This paper studied the separation and analysis of17 amino acids in milk powder and hydrolyzed animal protein by ion exchange HPLC .