
mó guài
  • demons and monsters;fiends
魔怪 [mó guài]
  • [demon and monsters;fiends] 妖魔鬼怪

魔怪[mó guài]
  1. 1990年:《小魔怪2》(导管博士)

    Dr Catheter Gremlins 2 : The New Batch ( 1990 )

  2. 魔怪、小妖、食尸鬼;女巫、蝙蝠和恶狼

    Ghosts , goblins , ghouls ; witches , bats , and wolves

  3. 魔怪将提供证据来反对那些崇拜偶像的人。

    The genii will give evidence against those who have worshipped idols .

  4. 魔怪出去后很快就回来了。

    The jinnee went away , and came back soon .

  5. 就像你能拍一部魔怪电影?

    Just so you can make a monster movie ?

  6. 而且受到各种魔怪和虚幻的光明的威胁

    And menaced by monsters , fancy lights ,

  7. 那个人就差不多是魔怪。

    This man was almost a monster .

  8. 这种魔怪不外乎是婴儿嚎啕以引起人注意的本能。

    For all one knows that demon is simply the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention .

  9. 魔法、许多魔怪以及哈利在霍格沃次的奇特经历帮助他了解了真实的世界。

    The magic , many strange creatures and the adventures Harry comes across at Hogwarts help him understand the real world .

  10. 黑暗王国的魔怪&试析格拉斯《狗年月》中的神话意象

    Demon in the Dark Kingdom : A Tentative Analysis of the Use of Myths in G ü nter Grass ' Dog Years

  11. 他只觉得,自己仿佛在海底的丛林之中彷徨,在魔怪世界里迷失了方向,而他自己便是个怪物。

    He felt as though he were wandering in the forests of the sea bottom , lost in a monstrous world where he himself was the monster .

  12. 倘若具备奥利维尔那样才干的专业演员都觉得对付不了当众讲话这头魔怪的话,想想我们这些凡夫俗子又将如何呢?

    If a professional actor of Olivier 's caliber could feel mocked by The Public Speaking Monster , what about the rest of us , you know , regular guys and gals ?

  13. 《狗年月》中使用了一系列象征死亡、代表地狱魔怪的神话意象,其目的首先在于隐喻那段“沉沦为恶魔的历史”,揭露德国纳粹统治下妖魔横行、暗无天日的社会现实。

    The writer 's primary purpose of employing a series of myth imagoes which symbolize death and represent demon in the hell is to allude to that " deteriorated demonic history " and to expose the evil-ridden and justice-void society under the rule of German nazi .