
Wei Wei , a social worker with Little Bird - an NGO that provides help for migrant workers - says Chinese society does not support aid to unwed mothers , as other causes come first in the helping line .
" Many construction workers find jobs this way ," Wei says .
Little Bird 's Wei Wei said the law does not consider this situation .
Wei Wei said the phenomenon is widespread , especially in manufacturing clusters like Guangzhou and Shenzhen where migrant workers flock together .
In recent years some migrant worker groups have advocated quitting insurance schemes altogether because coverage cannot be transferred when they move to a new region , Wei says .
The Ambassador received a banner with the group 's slogan " Defending Worker 's Rights " from founder and former migrant worker , Wei Wei ( see photo ) .
" Although GM risk funding is increasing , it 's far from being enough ," says Wei Wei , an ecologist at CAS 's Institute of Botany , in Beijing .
" Some of them come to us for help with catastrophic medical expenditure because some accident happens , or some family member gets severely ill . " Wei says . " But we cannot help all of them . "