
  • 网络mane;gochiaai
鬓毛 [bìn máo]
  • [hair on the temple] 鬓角的头发

  • 乡音无改鬓毛衰。--唐. 贺知章《回乡偶书》

  1. 少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛衰。(贺知章《回乡偶书》)

    I left home young . I return old , | speaking as then , but with hair grown thin .

  2. 长期以来,对于杰瑞来说,让自己乘风飞奔,鬓毛飞扬,就是一个梦。

    For a long time , the idea of galloping with the breeze in his mane was just a dream for Jerry .

  3. 那人生就一张方脸,嘴唇薄而有力,两丛浓厚的灰色鬓毛,形象极其粗野,目光能把你的衣服口袋翻转。

    His face was square , with a thin , firmmouth , thick , gray , and very ferocious whiskers , and a look that was enough to turn your pockets inside out .
