
  1. thediffusiongroup上月发布的调查结果显示,美国近三分之一没有高清电视机的家庭有兴趣在未来6个月购买新的高清电视机。

    According to research published last month by the diffusion group , almost a third of non-hdtv households in the US are interested in purchasing a new HDTV set in the next six months .

  2. 消费者基本上可以在今天买一台70英寸的高清电视机,在价格更低的时候买一台4K电视机,同时仍然享有优势。

    Effectively , a consumer could buy the 70 ' HDTV today , buy a 4K set when prices are lower , and still come out ahead .

  3. 消费者可以按1700美元左右的价格买一台来自知名高清电视机生产商的70英寸电视机,相比之下同样尺寸的4K电视机要花4000多美元。

    Consumers can purchase a 70 ' screen from well-known HDTV makers for around $ 1,700 , compared with more than $ 4,000 for a similarly sized 4K TV .

  4. 至于价格是否可承受的问题,虽然4K电视机仍然是一种相对新颍的技术,一开始也是众所周知的天价,但现在的价格已经下降到可比高端大屏幕高清电视机的水平。

    As for an affordable price , while 4K is still a relatively new technology , and price tags admittedly were astronomical to begin with , prices now have fallen to where they are competitive with high-end alternatives in the large-screen HD market .

  5. 网络电视机系统主要由机顶盒和高清电视机两部分组成。

    IPTV system is mainly composed by STB and high-definition TV .

  6. 其它制造商展示了超薄高清电视机、可以上网的电视机和可以生成三维图像的电视机。

    Other manufacturers are showing ultra-thin HDTV sets , internet-enabled TVs and sets that produce 3D-style images .

  7. 你也可以在支持联网的高清电视机上浏览网页,使用网络进行电子支付。

    You watch wepisodes on your internet-capable high-definition television . You pay your bills electronically and save time and money .

  8. 在那时,买这样一台高清电视机要花上大概1500美元,这听起来太奢侈了。

    Back then , such a highdefinition TV would set you back around $ 1, 500.That seemed like a terrible extravagance .

  9. 蓝光影碟和设备的生产厂家必须要说服顾客拿出钱来购买高清电视机和录相机,到目前为止,这一争论仍在继续;

    Manufacturers of Blu-ray disks and equipment must still persuade consumers to invest in high definition television sets and video players .

  10. 它的画质远远超过今天家庭普通电视机的水平:其分辨率是今天高清电视机的四倍,也就是说,像素(组成画面的小点)为后者的四倍。

    Ultra HD offers picture quality way beyond what is widely available in homes today : four times the picture resolution of today 's HD . That means four times the number of pixels , the tiny points that make up the image .

  11. 高清数字电视机测试图生成器的设计实现和研究

    The Design and Implementation and Research of HDTV Monitor Test Pattern Generator

  12. 随着高清数字电视机的普及和数字电视信号的开播,越来越多的家庭购买了高清数字电视机。

    Along with the wide application of HDTV and digital television broadcasting , more and more family are going to buy HDTV .

  13. 松下公司也宣布其完全高清的三维电视机将在今年春天继续销售,虽然它并没有说出它们的价格是多少。

    Panasonic also announced that its full HD3D TV sets will go on sale this spring , although it hasn 't yet said how much they 'll cost .

  14. 另外,随着生产规模扩大,价格正在下降,某些低端4K电视机已经可与大屏幕高清(HD)电视机竞争。

    What 's more , as production ramps up , prices are coming down to where some of the lower-end 4K sets are competitive with large-screen HD sets .