
  1. 马端临的《文献通考。经籍考》是一部目录学著作,书中体现了辑录体的编撰方法。

    Comprehensive Textual Research of Historical Documents by Ma Duan-lin is a very famous book about the theory of bibliography which reflects compiling methods of the style of compilation .

  2. 《文献通考》是宋末元初史学家马端临编撰,分田赋、钱币、户口、职役等24门类,共348卷。

    Wen Xian Tong Kao was compiled by the historian Ma Duanlin in the early years of the Yuan Dynasty . It covers more than twenty-four fields such as tax , monetary , registered permanent residence and the positions etc. The book has three hundred and forty-eight volumes .