
  • 网络food borne parasitic diseases;food-borne parasitic disease;food-borne parasitosis;disease of parasite infected by foods
  1. 广西居民饮食习惯与食源性寄生虫病的分布调查

    Distribution of Food-borne Parasitic Diseases and Dietary Habits in Human Population in Guangxi

  2. 加强健康教育,注意饮食卫生,控制食源性寄生虫病流行。

    Strengthen the education for health and pay enough attention to food sanitation to control endemic of foodborne parasitic diseases .

  3. 食源性寄生虫病包括肉食源性、植物食源性、淡水动物食源性及其他食源性寄生虫病。

    The common food-borne parasitic diseases included carnivorous-borne , plant food-borne , and freshwater food-borne and other food-borne parasitic diseases .

  4. 结论广西少数民族有食生或半生饮食习惯人数多、食用品种及方式多样,存在多种食源性寄生虫病。

    Conclusion Consumption of raw or undercooked meat is popular in the local residents especially the ethnics , which is an important factor in the prevalence of food-borne parasitic diseases .

  5. 近年来,食源性寄生虫病患病率不断上升,尤其是以往少见或罕见的病例明显增多,而其流行与不良饮食习惯密切相关。

    In recent years , the prevalence rates of food-borne parasitic diseases were sustained rise , especially the seldom seen cases are significantly increased , epidemiologic feature are closely related with bad eating habits .

  6. 旋毛虫病是由旋毛虫引起的一种危害严重的食源性人兽共患寄生虫病,可在包括人类在内的150多种动物之间广泛传播。

    Trichinellosis caused by Trichinella spp. is a serious foodborne parasitic zoonosis and wide spread among more than 150 species of animals including human .