
  • 网络wind speed measurement
  1. 由于风速测量的不准确性以及很难获得风力发电系统的精确模型,故采用传统的PID控制器难以在风速快速变化的情况下实现良好的控制效果。

    Because of the wind speed measurement and accurate system model are hard to obtain , so it 's difficult to achieve good results by using the traditional PID controller in case of rapidly variable wind .

  2. 也适用于建筑、化工、纺织、粮食储藏、空气动力学研究等其它场合的风速测量。

    Also suitable for construction , chemical , textile , food storage , air dynamics research and other occasions of wind speed measurement .

  3. 介绍了超声波时差法风速测量的基本原理,以及基于ARM微控制器的风速测量系统的实现方法。

    Ultrasonic wind velocity measurement with time-difference method and wind velocity measurement system based on ARM micro-controller were introduced .

  4. 利用Fizeau干涉仪进行激光风速测量的原理分析

    Analysis of principle of wind velocity measurement with Fizeau interferometer

  5. 提出了基于菲佐干涉仪和多通道光电倍增管(PMT)阵列探测器组合的多普勒频移检测的方案,适用于风速测量的直接探测多普勒激光雷达。

    A method of discriminating Doppler shift using Fizeau interferometer and linear PMT array for a direct - detection wind Doppler lidar is proposed .

  6. 介绍了一种具有可寻址远程传感器高速公路(HART)通讯协议的智能差压变送器,并对该变送器的软、硬件组成和在风速测量中的应用作简要介绍。

    A intelligent pressure transmitter with Highway Addressable Remote Transducer ( HART ) communication agreement is introduced . Software and hardware configuration and application on measuring wind speed are also given .

  7. 文中介绍了一种基于单片机PIC16C73的风柜风速测量系统。

    This paper proposed a wind velocity measurement system based on PIC16C73 microcontroller .

  8. 介绍了已研制的基于Fabry-Perot标准具直接探测多普勒激光雷达的风速测量原理,讨论了接收光路光束发散角对测风激光雷达系统测量精度的影响。

    The principle of wind measurement for a direct detection Doppler wind lidar developed with a Fabry-Perot etalon is described . The measurement error of the system is affected by the receiving beam divergence angle .

  9. APPLE&Ⅱ型微机在风速测量中的应用

    Application of APPLE ⅱ Microcomputer to the Measurement of Wind Speed

  10. 以孔板和皮托管为标准器的风速测量装置

    Measurement of Air Velocity by Orifice Plate and Pitot Static Tubes

  11. 煤矿井下便携式智能风速测量仪的设计

    Design of the portable intelligent wind speed measuring instrument in coal mine

  12. 所以风速测量对矿井安全作业来说是非常必要的。

    So the wind speed measure-ment is very necessary for the mine safety .

  13. 煤矿巷道风速测量试验系统设计

    Design of Wind Speed Measurement System in Coal Lane

  14. 自清灰防堵塞风速测量装置在燃煤锅炉中的应用

    Application of self-cleaning blockade-proof anemometers in coal-fired boilers

  15. 这对风速测量技术的选择和研究具有一定的参考价值。

    These are valuable reference in selecting and researching the air speed measuring techniques .

  16. 管道内气固两相流颗粒浓度和风速测量方法的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Measurement Method of Solid Concentration and Air Velocity in Pneumatic Conveying Pipes

  17. 多点风速测量在电厂电除尘器试验中的应用

    Application of Wind Speed Measurement at Multiple Points in Test of Electrostatic Precipitator in Power Plant

  18. 煤巷掘进瓦斯探放技术煤矿巷道风速测量试验系统设计

    Technology of Searching and Releasing Gas in Coal Tunneling Design of Wind Speed Measurement System in Coal Lane

  19. 风柜风速测量系统

    Wind velocity measurement system

  20. 设计了一种后向散射激光多普勒测速实验装置并成功地用于风速测量。

    An experimental device of laser Doppler velocity measurement in backscatter has been'designed and used successfully for measurement of particle velocities .

  21. 当然安全总是第一位。虽然他们信任设备,保护带和绳索都需要进行多次检查。还有风速测量。

    Safety comes first.And while they trust their equipment , harnesses and ropes are checked and double checked.Wind speed is also measured .

  22. 结论热球探头体积小、价格低,适于低压下的低风速测量,可以清晰绘制出流场的等值线图。

    Conclusion Hot-bulb probe is small , cheap and suitable for measuring low air velocity and mapping the flow contours under reduced pressure .

  23. 因此,基于这个原理制成的时差法超声波风速测量仪表,具有精度高、可靠性强、集成度高等优点。

    An ultrasonic anemometer and vane based on the theory was developed , with the superiorities of high precision , high dependability and high integration .

  24. 建立了以孔板和皮托管为标准器的风速测量装置,介绍了该装置的结构和特点。

    In order to meet the requirements of calibration of the anemometers , a system combined orifice plate and Pitot static tubes as standards is developed .

  25. 文中详细介绍了时空域离散信号处理的理论计算公式和处理系统结构,对风速测量结果进行了分析和比较。

    The theoretical formulas of discrete signal processing and circuit structure in the system are described , and results of wind-speed measurement are analyzed and compared .

  26. 通过改造总结了新型自清灰防堵塞风速测量装置在420t/h锅炉上的应用效果。

    Through the reform , the application of new wind speed measurement device of automation soot blower and blockage-proof on 420 t / h boiler is summarized .

  27. 从种子注入固体激光器的不稳定和多普勒频移检测干涉仪的光谱漂移出发,模拟和分析其对基于双边缘探测技术的直接探测多普勒激光雷达风速测量准确度的影响。

    The wind error of the double-edge technique Doppler lidar due to the instability of injection-seeding solid laser and the drift of interferometer ′ s spectrum was analyzed .

  28. 检验风速测量的精度,测试各人机接口、数码管显示以及CAN总线的数据发送和接收的可靠性。

    The test is made to check the accuracy of wind-speed measurement , man-machine interface , LED display , and reliability of data transmission and reception through CAN bus .

  29. 相干激光雷达已在风速测量、天气预报、湍流测量等领域得到实际应用,是国际上研究的热点之一。

    The coherent laser radar has application in the fields of wind speed measurement , weather forecast and rapids measurement , which is a hot spot of international studies .

  30. 利用建立的超声波相差法风速测量模型详细分析了测量误差来源和精度提高途径,优化设计了系统机械结构。

    Detailed analysis the source of detection errors and the method of improving precision by using the measuring model of phase difference method , and optimum designed the mechanical construction system . 3 .