
  1. 基于非线性复杂系统观的ANP决策分析方法研究

    Methodology Study on the ANP Based on the Perspective of Nonlinear Complex Systems

  2. BP神经网络具有处理非线性复杂系统问题的能力,可对企业系统行为进行预测、识别和模糊评价。

    BP neural network has the ability to process nonlinear and complex system problems , it can predicates , recognizes and fuzzy evaluates of the enterprise system behavior .

  3. 武钢冷轧厂电镀锡线锡层厚度无模型自适应(FMA)控制系统是专门为了解决大滞后时变的非线性复杂系统控制难题而研制设计的。

    Tin thickness closed-loop control for tinning line , a kind of typical non-linear complex system with large time delay , is discussed .

  4. 分形学是一种描述自然界中广泛存在的具有自相似结构的非线性复杂系统内部规律的理论,迭代函数系统(IFS)是构造分形集的核心技术。

    Fractal is the theory of describing the inner rules of the nonlinear complex systems with self-similar structure that widely exists in the nature and IFS is the key technology of constructing fractal images .

  5. 一种用于非线性复杂系统辨识的自适应模糊神经网络

    An adaptive fuzzy neural network for identification of the complicated nonlinear system

  6. 通常情况下,生物动力系统是典型的非线性复杂系统。

    Generally , biological dynamical system is a typical nonlinear complex system .

  7. 机电耦联动力学系统是机械系统和电力系统相互耦合的非线性复杂系统。

    The coupling system of mechanical and electrical is a complex nonlinear system .

  8. 组合预测思想在证卷投资等决策问题中的应用&(非线性复杂系统的综合技术Ⅳ)

    The Composite Skills on Complicated Nonlinear Systems (ⅳ)

  9. 网络模型是研究非线性复杂系统的一般方法之一。

    Network model is one of the general method to study nonlinear complex system .

  10. 非线性复杂系统的新控制策略

    New control tactic of non-linear complicated systems

  11. 非线性复杂系统的动力学问题

    Dynamic Problems of Nonlinear Complex Systems

  12. 太阳能热利用系统是一个大惯性、纯滞后、参数时变的非线性复杂系统。

    Solar Energy Heat Utilization System ( SEHUS ) is a time-variant 、 nonlinear 、 complex system .

  13. 格子波尔兹曼方法为研究非线性复杂系统提供了一种新的手段。

    Lattice Boltzmann Method ( LBM ) provides us a new method to research complex non-linear system .

  14. 从控制的观点看,它是一个具有强耦合的高阶非线性复杂系统。

    From the control point of view it exemplifies a high order non-linear complex system with significant cross-couplings .

  15. 平原圩区除涝排水系统最优规划是一个多维、非线性复杂系统优化问题。

    Optimization of planning for drainage system in plain polder area is a complicated multi-dimensional non-linear optimizing problem .

  16. 而且该算法可以广泛应用于非线性复杂系统的模型辨识和控制中。

    Furthermore , the arithmetic can be applied widely to make up model and control of non-linear complex system .

  17. 同时,房地产作为社会经济系统的一个子系统,具有非线性复杂系统的特性。

    At the same time , as a subsystem of the society economy system , real estate has non-linear complex traits .

  18. 粉煤密相气力输送属于非线性复杂系统,目前还没有比较完善的理论模型进行预测和操作优化。

    The dense-phase conveying is a complicated nonlinear system which is hard to be predicted and optimized without an accurate theoretical model .

  19. 油藏原始状态的多样性、动态过程的多变性及其问题的不确定性,使得油藏动态系统是一个远离平衡态的非线性复杂系统。

    The dynamic reservoir is a non-linear complex system far away from equilibrium for its versatile original state , variable dynamic process and uncertain problems .

  20. 铝电磁铸轧系统是涉及机械、电气、铸造和加工等多领域的非线性复杂系统。

    The aluminum electromagnetic roll-casting system is a nonlinear complex system because of it involves machine , electric , casting and processing and so on .

  21. 元胞自动机是研究非线性复杂系统的有效工具,有着广阔的应用前景。

    Cellular automation is a kind of very effective tool to study nonlinear complex systems in many research fields and it has an extensive application in future .

  22. 从而得出利用神经网络方法在仿真中建模是一种行之有效的方法,特别是对于非线性复杂系统效果更佳。

    Thus obtains the use neural network method in the simulation the modeling is one effective method , is specially better regarding the non-linear complex system effect .

  23. 通过介绍软计算的意义,论述了软计算技术对于研究非线性复杂系统以及处理智能信息的有效性。

    By the systematical analyses of the soft computing , the effectiveness of the soft computing technique to process the nonlinearly complicated systems and intelligent information is showed .

  24. 非线性复杂系统的预测控制是一种高性能的控制方法,其关键在于非线性预测器模型的实现。

    The prediction control is an excellent method for the control of non-linear complex system . The key unit for predicting control is to design a suitable prediction model .

  25. 对交流伺服这种快速变化的非线性复杂系统,人们已提出了各种控制方案优化系统性能,其鲁棒性是交流伺服系统的重要性能之一。

    For AC servo system of quick changing and non-linear complex system , many kinds of methods are presented . Among them , the robustness is one of the important indexes .

  26. 复杂科学以非线性复杂系统为研究对象,与自然科学、社会科学和思维等科学相结合,在特定的观测、实验和理论条件下,能够得到创新。

    The complexity science which takes non-linear complexity system as the research object combines with natural sciences , social sciences and thinking science , etc , and will get innovation under specific condition .

  27. 但其原理涉及热力学、电化学、流体力学、传质学等理论,形成一个非线性复杂系统,难以建立数学模型。

    But its operation principle involves such theories as thermodynamics , electrochemistry , hydrodynamics , mass transfer etc. , thus forming a nonlinear complicated system , so it is difficult to establish mathematical model .

  28. 针对这一强耦合的非线性复杂系统,研究了一套独立的悬浮绕组控制子系统,其中所需的转矩绕组气隙磁链的幅值和相位可通过独立的电压模型方法辩识得到。

    To this strong coupled complicated nonlinear system , a independent levitation winding control subsystem is proposed in which the needed air gap flux linkage of motor winding is identified by the voltage-model method .

  29. 系统动力学是一门以反馈控制理论为基础,以计算机仿真技术为主要手段,定性与定量研究大型非线性复杂系统发展动态行为的一门应用学科。

    System dynamics is a application discipline , which take feedback control theory as a foundation and computer simulation technology as a main means , analysis the large-scale non-linearity complex system behaviors with qualitative and quantitative methods .

  30. 自组织临界性是解释具有无序的、非线性复杂系统行为特征的理论之一,分形和闪烁噪声是其空间与时间结构的特征。

    Self-organized criticality is one of the theories for explaining the characteristics of the disorder , nonlinear and complex systems . Fractal and flicker noise are the spatial and temporal characteristics of the system of self-organized criticality .