
  • 网络Youth education;Adolescent Education;Adolescence Education;Secondary Education
  1. 我们认真对待青少年、对待青少年教育。

    We do take youth , and adolescent education , seriously .

  2. 4-H教育是美国的一种青少年教育发展理念,以及基于此理念的一系列青少年发展组织、项目与活动。

    4-H is an idea of youth development in America , also is a series of youth developing organizations , programs and activities .

  3. 论青少年教育的危险期与关键期

    On " the Dangerous and Key Period " in Juvenile Education

  4. 苏南地区青少年教育的若干思考

    Pondering Over Education of Youngsters in Southern Part of Jiangsu Province

  5. 弱能儿童及青少年教育调查委员会

    Committee of Enquiry into Education of Handicapped Children and Young People

  6. 青少年教育包括家庭教育、学校教育和社会教育。

    Juvenile education includes family , school and social education .

  7. 美国斯坦福大学英才青少年教育计划研究

    Study of Education Program for Gifted Youth at Stanford University

  8. 科技教育在青少年教育体系中的作用

    Functions of Scientific and Technological Education in the System of Teenagers Education

  9. 韩国影视文化对我国青少年教育成长影响的研究

    Korean Movie and Television Culture 's Influence on Teen-agers Education Growth in China

  10. 谈谈日本野外活动的发展和青少年教育

    Development of Outdoor Activities in Japan and Adolesent Education

  11. 心情培育:青少年教育的一个重要方面

    Cultivation of Mood : Important Aspect of Youth Education

  12. 青少年教育工作是一个管根本、管长远的重大任务。

    The education of teenagers is an important task concerning the essence and the future .

  13. 所以,更容易受到电视传媒中的负面影响,电视工作者也是社会教育工作者,他们对青少年教育也负有不可推卸的责任。

    Therefore , they are more susceptible to negative effects of television in the media .

  14. 青少年教育工作需要与时俱进地创新工作方式方法,转变观念。

    Youth work needs to continuously change ideas and innovate ways and means of work .

  15. 网络时代的青少年教育

    Teenagers ' Education in Network Time

  16. 浅谈计算机应用与青少年教育

    Application of Computer and Juvenile Education

  17. 这些冲突,对我国社会生活各个层面特别是青少年教育产生了不同程度的影响。

    These conflicts impact on every aspect of our social life differently , especially on youth education .

  18. 青少年教育曾经一路领先的美国,已经渐渐落在其他发达国家之后。

    America , which used to take the lead in educating its young , has been gradually falling behind other advanced countries .

  19. 中学生的诚信教育研究构成了青少年教育发展研究的重要内容之一。

    The research on Middle students of Honesty and credibility constitutes one of the important research contents in areas of adolescent development .

  20. 例如,在伊拉克,我们和伊拉克政府一道,为青少年教育中心开设了一个广泛积极的项目。这是一所单独的学校,专门为那些被招募来从事武装战斗的青少年而设。

    In Iraq , for example , we have developed an extensively robust program of a juvenile education center working with the Iraqi government .

  21. 本论题从青少年教育的视角出发,通过认识微博,了解微博的特性和功能应用。

    This topic views from the perspective of education of Adolescents , going by the understanding of micro-blog , the characteristics and function of the application .

  22. 作为国家发展导向型的青少年教育政策,国家发展被置于优先地位,也能够保障青少年的受教育权利,促进青少年的健康成长。

    As a policy of state development , certainly , it can guarantee the youth rights to be educated and promote growing up of youth in China .

  23. 因此,如何加以正确引导和适当控制,如何发扬真正的侠文化,就成了当前青少年教育和文化建设中值得注意的一个严重课题。

    Therefore , how to guide , control and promote the real chivalry culture has become a significant project in the instruction of the adolescent and the cultural construction .

  24. 不断地鼓励员工,令其能团结、信、责,对公司有归属感和荣誉感。外出务工团员组织管理和外出务工青少年教育培养的责任归属

    To encourage a feeling of unity and pride in our company . The Organization and Management of Youth League Members among Migrant-workers and the Responsibility Attribution of Education for Adolescent Migrant-workers

  25. 然而,在此种情况下,政府的教育救助体系不健全,在推动贫困家庭青少年教育发展上存在缺位,成为限制其教育发展的重要因素。

    However , in such circumstances , the morbidity educational aid system of government and the lack of the improvement of these juveniles ' education has become a great limitation of their educational development .

  26. 引言部分:从当前国际社会的变革、全球经济的一体化的现状入手,分析典型国家青少年教育背景的变化,并探讨了各国青少年不同层次的教育意识与教育需求。

    Introduction : Beginning from the reformation of the world and the globalization of economy , this thesis analyses the educational backgrounds from representative countries , and discusses the educational cognitions , requirements of youths in different ranks .

  27. 在这种情况下,整个社会都应该普及、推展媒介素养教育,这才是加强青少年教育的一项治本之举。

    In this case , the entire society all should popularize , promote the media literacy education , is now at last strengthens one item which the young people educate " to effect a permanent cure " the action .

  28. 但笔者认为,童子军教育在中国的发展,抛开其政治色彩不讲,它的产生发展在中国还是造成了相当影响的,对我国现在的青少年教育也有一定的借鉴意义。

    But the author thinks that , running off its political color , its production and development had the enormous influence in China at that time , and it has big model significant to our country 's young people now .

  29. 外出务工团员组织管理和外出务工青少年教育培养的责任归属计划、组织、管理工程团队及有关人员建立制程、方法及程序。

    The Organization and Management of Youth League Members among Migrant-workers and the Responsibility Attribution of Education for Adolescent Migrant-workers Plan , organize and supervise a staff of engineers and related clerical workers engaged in developing manufacturing operations , methods and processes .

  30. 志愿服务:青少年公民教育的新途径

    Volunteer services : young people a new way of civic education