
  1. 张艺谋承认与现任妻子陈婷的确育有两子一女,并于上周日晚通过“艺谋工作室”微博上发表致歉声明。

    Zhang admitted to having three children with his current wife , Chen Ting , and he apologized on Sunday evening in a statement posted on his studio 's micro blog .

  2. 张艺谋承认与现任妻子陈婷的确育有两子一女,并于上周日晚通过艺谋工作室微博上发表致歉声明。

    Zhang admitted to having three children with his current wife , Chen Ting , and he apologized on Sunday evening in a statement posted on his studio ` s micro blog .

  3. 据《南都娱乐周刊》报道,现年62岁的张艺谋分别与前妻、两名情妇与现任妻子、小他31岁的前舞蹈演员陈婷至少育有7个孩子。

    Southern Metropolis Entertainment Weekly reported that Zhang , 62 , had at least seven children by several women - an ex-wife , two mistresses and Chen , a former dancer who is 31 years his junior .

  4. 中国无锡滨湖区计生局在其新浪官方微博上宣布,知名导演张艺谋及其妻子陈婷将因生育三个子女而被处以人民币748万元(合120万美元)罚款。

    Chinese film director Zhang Yimou and his wife , Chen Ting , were fined 7.48 million yuan ( $ 1.2 million ) by the family planning bureau of Binhu district in the eastern city of Wuxi for having three children , the district government said on its verified account on Sina Weibo , China 's version of Twitter .