
  • 网络Adirondack
  1. 《阿迪朗达克哺乳动物》(AdirondackMammals)一书中写道,它们还可以轮流摆动后足,头朝下地从树上爬下来。

    By rotating their hind feet , they can descend from trees headfirst , according to the book " Adirondack Mammals . "

  2. 美国纽约州东北部的一座城市,位于阿迪朗达克山脉之中,普拉茨堡西南。

    A village of northeast New York in the Adirondack Mountains southwest of Plattsburg .

  3. 马西山是阿迪朗达克山脉中最高的山。

    Mount Marcy is the highest mountain in the Adirondacks .

  4. 他儿时去过的一个枫糖小屋、加利福尼亚州圣克鲁斯科技界的一些朋友建造的霍比特式小屋社区鳟鱼峡谷(TroutGulch),还有阿迪朗达克山区一户人家修建的蒙古包村,也都是克莱恩灵感的来源。

    Other touchstones included a maple sugar shanty he once visited as a child , a community of Hobbitlike tiny houses called Trout Gulch built by some tech friends in Santa Cruz , Calif. , and a yurt village built by a family in the Adirondacks .

  5. 我驱车去阿迪朗达克找他

    I drove up there to meet him in the Adirondacks .

  6. 去年夏天,戴夫·林达尔在阿迪朗达克山脉上一座豪宅里为18个亲戚买单。

    Last summer , Dave Lindahl footed the bill for18 relatives at a fancy mansion in the Adirondacks .

  7. 居住在阿迪朗达克山区采取了其余来自雪鞋和等待,以期从云层覆盖的山云天首脑会议。

    A resident of the Adirondack Mountains area takes a rest from snowshoeing and waits for a view from the cloud-covered summit of Mount Skylight .

  8. 不论在亚洲还是在阿迪朗达克山脉徒步旅行,独自旅行者总是可以信马由缰,依自己的节奏安排行程,沿途结交新朋友。

    Whether backpacking through Asia or hiking the Adirondacks , solo travel offers the freedom to explore at your own pace and make new friends along the way .

  9. 今年比弗布鲁克讲习班的主题是木屋骨架制作,它是户外厨房的基础。居民们希望它能把某些活动带回小溪对面的阿迪朗达克那一侧。

    This year 's Beaver Brook workshop project was timber framing , the foundation for an outdoor kitchen the residents hope will bring some of the action back to the Arcadian side of the brook .