
  • 网络Atlas;Copco;Atlas Copco;AtlasCopco
  1. 活动在雄伟的阿特拉斯山脉举行。

    The events took place against the dramatic backdrop of the Atlas mountains .

  2. 此外它还研制过一只名叫“野猫”(WildCat),奔跑时速可达每小时29英里的“机器猫”,以及一款6英尺高的人型机器人阿特拉斯(Atlas)。

    WildCat , which can run at speeds of 29 miles per hour ; and the six-foot humanoid robot Atlas .

  3. 评委点评:阿特拉斯风险投资公司(AtlasVenture)合伙人杰夫o法干问道:“你们打算直接通过电子商务和零售商卖出多少张桌子?”

    Judge 's critique : " How many desks do you plan to sell directly via e-commerce and via retailers ? " asked Jeff Fagnan , an Atlas Venture partner .

  4. 于是,骤然高涨的醉境激情的洪潮就汹涌起各种个人思想的小波浪,正象普罗密修斯的兄弟,铁旦族阿特拉斯(Atlas),背负大地那样。

    The swiftly rising Dionysian tide then shoulders all the small individual wave crests , even as Prometheus ' brother , the Titan Atlas , shouldered the world .

  5. 美国国家航空航天局(简称NASA)“毅力”号火星探测器搭载“阿特拉斯5号”火箭,从佛罗里达州升空,开始寻找地球邻居行星存在生命的任务。

    NASA 's Mars rover Perseverance has been launched atop an Atlas 5 rocket from Florida on a mission to traces of potential past life on Earth 's planetary neighbor .

  6. 在服务分级燃烧发动机包括俄罗斯的RD-180,阿特拉斯V上使用,航天飞机主发动机。

    Staged combustion engines in service include the Russian RD-180 , used on the Atlas V , and the Space Shuttle Main Engine .

  7. 波音公司的CST-100太空舱最多可载五人,将通过阿特拉斯5型火箭(Atlas5)发射。

    Boeing 's CST-100 capsule , configured to carry up to five people , will launch on an Atlas 5 rocket .

  8. HCS-87数控测井的井场解释系统是在阿特拉斯公司的3700数控测井仪解释软件的基础上研制的。

    Field Interpretation System for HCS-87 Computerized Logging System is developed on the basis of Atlas CLS interpretation software .

  9. 在充分调研阵列声波测井分波提取方法的基础上,针对阿特拉斯公司的交叉多极子阵列声波测井(XMACⅡ)提供的单极波形信息,研究纵波时差提取及高分辨率处理方法。

    In view of the monopole waveforms provided by Baker Atlas Cross-Multipole Array Acoustilog ( XMAC ⅱ), extracting and high resolution processing methods of P-wave slowness-time are developed based on a thorough survey and study of wave division extraction methods of array acoustilog .

  10. 阿特拉斯为赫克斯得到金苹果,因为他自己想做国王。

    Hercules finally managed to get the apples by defeating Atlas .

  11. 赫拉克勒斯知道这是阿特拉斯,山神。

    Hercules knew it was Atlas , the Mountain God .

  12. 阿特拉斯8200生产测井系列在苏丹×区块的应用

    The Application of Atlas 8200 PLT in Block ×, Sudan

  13. 阿特拉斯是个举起天空的巨人。

    Atlas was the giant who held up the sky .

  14. 阿特拉斯公司还对慈善事业进行了大量捐赠。

    The company has also been a prominent charitable donor .

  15. 阿特拉斯地层倾角测井资料的数据处理是以相关对比为基础的。

    Atlas Diplog data processing is based on correlation .

  16. 阿特拉斯神被宙斯降罪来用双肩支撑苍天的一个擎天神;

    Atlas a Titan condemned by Zeus to support the heavens upon his shoulders .

  17. “阿特拉斯”导弹面临某项重要任务。

    Some important work lies ahead for atlas .

  18. 西方阿特拉斯公司推出eXPress1.0软件

    WESTERN ATLAS Releases eXpress 1 . 0

  19. 然而当阿特拉斯取回苹果后,海格力斯却不得不略施计谋才能卸下苍穹。

    When Atlas returned , Hercules had to trick him into taking back his load .

  20. 但阿特拉斯知道,只要他耸耸肩,世界就会坍塌。

    But atlas knows that if he shrugs , the world drops to the floor .

  21. 阿特拉斯山脉的一种阿尔及利亚常绿高大树种,叶蓝绿色;装饰用。

    Tall Algerian evergreen of Atlas mountains with blue-green leaves ; widely planted as an ornamental .

  22. 根据各种实用目的,可使象阿特拉斯这样的弹道导弹导向其目标。

    For all practical purposes a ballistic missile such as Atlas is guided to its target .

  23. 长子阿特拉斯拥有以他命名的大陆和周围的海洋。

    The firstborn , Atlas , had the continent and the surrounding ocean named for him .

  24. 数据传输采用与阿特拉斯3508遥测短节兼容的半双工曼彻斯特编码。

    Data transmission unit adopts half duplex Manchester encode decode mode , which is compatible with Atlas 3508 telemetry cartridge .

  25. 阿特拉斯:宙斯崇尚屠戮与权势。他渴望统一全人类的野心从为休止。

    Atlas : Blood-lust and power raged within Zeus . His desire to rule over mortals was intolerable to us .

  26. 产品应用:英格索兰、优耐特斯、复盛、阿特拉斯、寿力等系列的空压机。

    Product Applications : Ingersoll-Rand , priority Knight Adams , Fusheng , Atlas , Sullair air compressor and other series .

  27. 赫拉克勒斯一想也对,于是他答应在阿特拉斯离开的这段时间里亲自背负青天。

    Hercules I would like to also , and he promised to leave in the Atlas period to bear the sky .

  28. 希腊单词亚特兰蒂斯的意思是“阿特拉斯的岛屿”,就像大西洋意思是“阿特拉斯的海洋”一样。

    The Greek word Atlantis means the'Island of Atlas ' , just as the word Atlantic means the'Ocean of Atlas ' .

  29. 波音公司的方案价格比较高,部分原因是阿特拉斯5型比猎鹰9号更昂贵。

    Boeing 's proposal was more expensive , in part because the Atlas 5 is more expensive than the Falcon 9 .

  30. 我和吱吱刚刚又看了一遍阿特拉斯5号火箭的视频,它把“毅力”号探测器送上了火星!

    Squeaks and I were just re-watching a video of the Atlas V rocket that took the Perseverance rover to Mars !