
  • Apo;【地名】【日本】Aba
  1. 阿波,在上面干吗呢?

    Po ? What are you doing up there ?

  2. 阿波:是的,是的,当然,这是你的房间。

    Po : Yeah , yeah , of course , this is your room .

  3. 在结束了与泰龙的决斗之后,阿波开办了一个功夫培训班。

    After defeating Tai Lung , Po sets up a Kung Fu training class .

  4. 故事的核心思想是阿波克服了重重困难完成了自己的功夫梦。

    The core idea of the story is overcome difficulties Awa completed his kungfu dreams .

  5. 就是那个叫李白的,长得像阿波的那个。

    It is that one whose name is Li Bai and looks like Ah Bo .

  6. 这是熊猫阿波从片中学到的,也是我们电影业者一路而来学到的。

    This is the lesson Po learns and this is the lesson we as filmmakers learned .

  7. 达斯汀·霍夫曼将为熊猫阿波的师父&一位生性固执、循规蹈矩的功夫大师献声。

    Dustin hoffman panda , for the master , is a stubborn , orderly kungfu master offered .

  8. 采用高效液相色谱邻苯二甲醛柱前衍生化法,测定进口药品阿波莫斯注射液中天门冬鸟氨酸的含量。

    A precolumn derivatization with OPA of HPLC method was established for the determination of Hepa Merz injection .

  9. 但赫尔方指出,“阿波菲斯”是个很好的例子,它提醒人们注意“杀手行星”的存在。

    Scientists are confident it will miss , but Helfand said Apophis is a good reminder that killer asteroids are out there .

  10. 杰克·布莱克,在英文版本中将会给熊猫阿波配音,和凯特·哈德森一起出席了发布会。

    Jack Black , who voices panda Po in the English language version , was joined by Kate Hudson at the conference .

  11. 好莱坞影星杰克布莱克与熊猫“阿波”摆姿势,“阿波”的性格,在其澳洲首演的动画片功夫熊猫中描述过。

    Hollywood actor Jack Black poses with Po the Panda , whose character he reads in the animated film Kung Fu Panda , at its Australian premiere .

  12. 看到了学生们想要学习功夫的坚定决心,阿波教授给他们的不是功夫招式,而是在武术中最重要的精神品质:自信,坚毅,勇气以及更多更多。

    Seeing the students bent on learning how to fight , Po instead teaches them about the character traits that are so important in kungfu-confidence , patience , courage , and more .

  13. 这些卫星位于地球上方3.588万公里,运行速度为每秒3.07公里,而阿波菲斯行星则预计将在距离地球3.25万公里的地方经过。

    Those satellites travel at3.07 kilometres a second ( 1.9 miles ), at up to35,880 kilometres above earth & and the Apophis asteroid will pass by earth at a distance of32,500 kilometres .

  14. “和平谷”的五位功夫大师老虎、仙鹤、螳螂、毒蛇和猴子,在一代宗师“师父”的带领下,将各自武功绝技倾囊相授,把阿波改造成顶级勇士!

    The furious Five legends Tigress , Crane , Mantis , Viper , Monkey-under the leadership of Master Shifu , all draw on their vast knowledge of fighting skills to transform Po into a fighting warrior .