
  • 网络Awan;Firdous Ashiq Awan;awans
  1. 我完全同意莱恩阿旺(RyanAvent)的观点,即我提议的人口加权平均法不是唯一相关的平均法,用国内生产总值(GDP)或财富加权平均可能更好一些。

    I fully agree with Ryan Avent that my suggestion of population weighting is not the only relevant averaging technique and GDP or wealth might be better .

  2. 伊朗阿旺2井钻井过程异常情况处理

    Abnormal Situation Treatment of Awang Well 2 in Iran

  3. 昨天是不是厂长找过阿昌和阿旺?

    Didn 't the manager send for them ?

  4. 《禧年书》还声称,该隐后来娶了阿旺,赛特取了阿扎拉,因此,记载了他们的后代。

    Jubilees goes on to state that Cain later married Awan and Seth married Azura , thus , accounting for their descendants .