
  • 网络aberdeen;ABZ;ABR
  1. 所有的信件上都盖有阿伯丁郡的邮戳。

    All the letters bore an Aberdeen postmark .

  2. 我不知道为什么我定居在阿伯丁,尽管如此,我还是这么做了。

    I don 't know why I settled on Aberdeen , but anyway I did

  3. 上午10点,一位风笛独奏家揭开了阿伯丁高地运动会的序幕,下午1点主要比赛项目开始。

    A solo piper opens Aberdeen Highland Games at 10am and the main events start at 1pm .

  4. 在阿伯丁大学(universityofaberdeen)的一项初步研究中,研究人员对14位65岁以上女性的肌肉力量进行了比较。

    In a pilot study by the University of Aberdeen , researchers compared the muscle strength of 14 women over the age of 65 .

  5. 苏格兰阿伯丁郡Pitmedden花园首席园艺师SusanBurgess向你展示怎样最好地护理金银花。

    Susan Burgess , Head Gardener at Pitmedden Garden in Aberdeenshire , Scotland shows you how best to care for them .

  6. 但他认为自己单干会更有出息,于是在1976年向苏格兰银行(BankofScotland)借款1万英镑,在阿伯丁和爱丁堡创办了改造和销售房地产的企业。

    But , thinking that he could do better himself , in 1976 he borrowed £ 10000 from the Bank of Scotland and began his own business refurbishing and selling on properties in Aberdeen and Edinburgh .

  7. 阿伯丁大学(UniversityofAberdeen)的高级讲师泰勒·史蒂芬森(TylerStevenson)博士指出:“真正重要的信息就是季节节律是普遍存在的。”

    Dr Tyler Stevenson , a senior lecturer at the University of Aberdeen , said : " The real take home message is that seasonal rhythms are pervasive .

  8. 之后BBC新闻报道称“已经在阿伯丁郡的亨特利民政局预约6月23日登记结婚”,证实了婚期。

    BBC News would later report that , " A 23 June date has been posted at the Huntly registration office in Aberdeenshire " confirming their wedding was scheduled for this weekend .

  9. 北伦敦球队接触过当时还在阿伯丁的弗格森,希望他能在1986年夏天接替DonHowe执教阿森纳。

    Ferguson , then at Aberdeen , was approached by the north London club as the potential successor to Don Howe in the summer of1986 .

  10. 但他在阿伯丁(Aberdeen)大获成功;加盟曼联时,他说期待自己有足够的时间打造一家俱乐部,而不仅仅是塑造一支球队。

      But he triumphed with Aberdeen ; and on joining United he expected , he said , to have time to build a football club , rather than just a football team .

  11. 只要有一块油田的一处基础设施出问题,整个网络就会处境不妙,安永驻阿伯丁的能源顾问德里克·利思(DerekLeith)表示。

    It takes only one field that has exposure to a piece of infrastructure to put the whole system in jeopardy , said Derek Leith , an energy consultant at Ernst Young in Aberdeen .

  12. 阿伯丁资产管理公司吉隆坡分部的gerryambrose叹息说真的很难发现马来西亚的哪家公司拥有“持续十年的商业计划”。

    Gerry Ambrose in the Kuala Lumpur Office of Aberdeen Asset Management laments that it is indeed hard to find Malaysian companies with " a business plan that will last ten years " .

  13. 起初这种新文化传播缓慢,用了200年的时间才到达今天英国西部的切尔滕纳姆(Cheltenham),但是在后续的50年中,它迅速东扩到了北部的阿伯丁(Aberdeen)。

    The new culture spread slowly at first , taking 200 years to reach modern-day Cheltenham , in the west , but over the following five decades it penetrated as far north as Aberdeen .

  14. 在南达科他州阿伯丁(Aberdeen)的北方州立大学,外国学生每年要交15000美元的学费和食宿费,这是面向州外学生的收费标准。另外,外国学生每一学期还要交大约100美元的国际学生费。

    At Northern State in Aberdeen , S.D. , foreign students pay the out-of-state rate of more than $ 15000 a year for tuition , room and board , plus an international-student fee of about $ 100 a semester .

  15. 这些实验是在Delft水力研究所的大型振荡水槽中进行,还有一些是在阿伯丁振荡流隧道中进行,这一系列实验覆盖了各种水流与泥沙条件。

    The experiments were carried out in the Large Oscillating Water Tunnel ( LOWT ) at Delft Hydraulics and in the Aberdeen Oscillatory Flow Tunnel ( AOFT ) at Aberdeen University , and cover a wide range of flow and sand conditions .

  16. 新生儿重症监护病房阿伯丁沙门菌医院感染暴发调查

    Salmonella Aberdeen Nosocomial Infection Outbreak in NICU : An Epidemiological Study

  17. 我觉得自己已经赢得在阿伯丁能拿的一切。

    I felt I had achieved everything I could with Aberdeen .

  18. 她订购了一张由伦敦开往阿伯丁的火车卧铺票。

    She booked a berth on the train from London to aberdeen .

  19. 新生儿阿伯丁沙门氏菌感染12例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 12 Cases of Neonatal Salmonella aberdeen Infection

  20. 我住在阿伯丁,在苏格兰的北部。

    Vicky , I live in Aberdeen , in the north of Scotland .

  21. 赞成将阿伯丁试验场

    Those in favor of removing the aberdeen proving ground

  22. 她仍在阿伯丁皇家医院接受观察。

    She remains under observation in Aberdeen Royal infirmary .

  23. 这是阿伯丁大学眼科系的网页。

    This is the web page of Department of Ophthalmology , University of Aberdeen .

  24. 苏格兰阿伯丁城市土壤的微生物特性研究

    Study on microbial properties of urban soils in Aberdeen city , scotland , UK

  25. 我打了一个长途电话到阿伯丁。

    I made a long-distance call to aberdeen .

  26. 如果北海发现石油,阿伯丁便可发展成为一个繁华的城市。

    Aberdeen became a boom town when oil was discovered in the North sea .

  27. 1983年,威尔士王妃戴安娜带着威廉王子来到阿伯丁机场。

    Diana , Princess of Wales arrives with baby Prince William at Aberdeen airport in1983 .

  28. 这是阿伯丁大学儿童保健系的网页。

    This is the web page of Department of Child Health , University of Aberdeen .

  29. 这是阿伯丁大学医学遗传学系的网页。

    This is the web page of Department of Mental Health , University of Aberdeen .

  30. 我第一次与他联系是1981年,当时阿伯丁在联盟杯上与伊普斯维奇比赛。

    My first contact with him came in1981 when Aberdeen played Ipswich in the UEFA Cup .