
fánɡ fú shè fú
  • Radiation-proof clothes;antiradiation maternity dress
  1. 你不需要穿什么防辐射服使用电脑。

    You do not need a special garment to use a computer .

  2. 我的朋友建议我买防辐射服。

    My friend suggests that I buy radiation protection suits .

  3. 她说:这些措施比穿防辐射服更重要。

    These measures are far more important than wearing a radiation suit , said Cheng .

  4. 根据他们的广告说,防辐射服试用一种特殊的材料制成的。

    According to their advertisements , the garments are made from a kind of fiber interwoven with antiradiation material .

  5. 央视在上周日的节目中披露,防辐射服其实并不能对人们受到的日常辐射起到多少防护作用。

    Last Sunday , a CCTV program exposed that these radiation-proof clothes do not protect people from daily doses of radiation .

  6. 这就像温室的原理一样,辐射波在皮肤和防辐射服之间进行多次反射后交会叠加,反而增大了防护服内的辐射强度。

    Like a greenhouse , the intensity of the radiation underneath the clothes is thus increased as radiation waves bounce back and forth between skin and clothing .

  7. 近年来,在中国国内,孕妇们穿防辐射服的趋势蔚然成风。

    In the past few years , a new trend has been gaining popularity in China : pregnant women should wear radiation-proof clothes once they have a baby .

  8. 一项独立的实验证实,防辐射服只能保护覆盖住的身体部位,而辐射波仍然会从衣服的袖口、领口等缝隙射入。

    A separate experiment showed that a radiation-proof suit only protects you where you 're covered , so radiation can still reach the body via the ends of sleeves , neckline , etc.

  9. 一家国内顶尖的电子检测实验室对防辐射服进行了检测,结果证明,穿着防护服的人所吸收的辐射量反而高于未穿防护服的人。

    An experiment carried out at a national leading electronic test center showed that the radiation absorption by a person wearing a radiation suit is much higher than a person without one .

  10. 叙述非织造医用纺织品的性能和产品的开发,以及高技术纺织材料在防辐射服、人造器官、手术移植材料和现代仿生技术中的应用与开发前景。

    The paper relates the property and product development of nonwoven medical textiles and the application and developing prospect of high technical textile materials in radiation resistant clothings , artificial organs , surgical grafting materials and modern bionics technology .

  11. 随着人们越来越重视各种辐射对身体健康的影响,防止电磁辐射就成了人们日益关注的问题,开发设计生产各种防辐射服变得越来越重要。

    With the growing attention to the various effects of radiation on health effects , to prevent the electromagnetic radiation has become a growing concern , the development of design and production of various kinds of radiation protection clothing becomes more and more important .

  12. 大量研究表明长期接触电磁辐射对人体尤其是孕妇和胎儿有很大的危害,所以越来越多的孕妇选择穿着防辐射孕妇服,造就了防辐射孕妇服广阔的市场前景。

    A great deal of study has shown that chronic exposure to electromagnetic radiation will have great harm to the human body especially pregnant women and fetuses . Therefore more and more pregnant women choose to wear anti-electromagnetic radiation Maternity Dress .