
  • 网络fuxin;Fuxin City
  1. 基于GIS的阜新市土地生态适宜性模糊综合评价

    The Evaluation on the Ecological Suitability of Fuxin City Land Based on GIS and Fuzzy

  2. 基于VB和MAPBASIC的城市旅游导航信息系统&以阜新市为例

    City Travelling Navigation Information System Based on the VB and the MAPBASIC & Taking Fuxin City As an Example

  3. 基于GIS阜新市矿产资源储量管理信息系统的研究

    The Research of Management Information of Fuxin Mineral Resource Reserves Based on GIS

  4. 水库年净调节水量4.47亿m3,主要满足坝址下游的阜新市和锦州市的工业、城市生活及灌溉用水。

    Its annual net regulation water is 4.47 × 10 8 m 3 to meet the needs of the industrial , municipal , domestic and irrigation water .

  5. 本文采用API空气污染指数法对阜新市1996-2000年大气污染状况进行了评价,分析了污染现状、污染变化的趋势和原因,指出了首要污染物和次要污染物。

    This essay evaluates the present situation of air pollution in Fuxin city in 1996-2000 using air pollution index , analyzing the present situation , varying tendency and the reasons of pollution , and pointing out the primary pollutants and the secondary pollutants .

  6. 阜新市垃圾填埋场位于阜新市区西北部,距市区19km,担负着海州、太平这2个市中心区垃圾填埋的重任,为解决阜新市垃圾处理问题发挥了重要作用。

    Fuxin city garbage landfill site is located in Fuxin urban north-west , a distance of 19 km urban and assumes the sea state , at peace both downtown garbage landfill mission , and waste disposal problems to solve Fuxin city played an important role .

  7. 辽宁省阜新市向日葵锈病调查

    An investigation of sunflower rust in Fuxin City area Liaoning Province

  8. 阜新市药用植物资源及开发利用的探讨

    Discussion on Development and Utilization of Medical Plant Resources in Fuxin

  9. 资源枯竭城市下岗工人再就业障碍分析&以阜新市为例

    An analysis of the drawback of reemployment for laid-off workers in Fuxin

  10. 阜新市劳动力资源的空间配置调整

    Spatial Disposition and Adjustment of Labor Force Resources in Fuxin

  11. 阜新市道路交通噪声的调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of traffic noise of road of Fuxin

  12. 阜新市非金属矿产资源开发的前景与建议

    Discussion on the development of non - metal mineral resources

  13. 阜新市引白水源工程引水防沙试验研究

    Experimental study on sediment prevention of water diversion project from Baihe river

  14. 阜新市民营企业发展对策研究

    A Study on the Development of the Private Enterprises in FuXin City

  15. 阜新市保护地蔬菜生产调查及发展建议

    Investigation and Proposal : Sheltered-ground Vegetable Production in Fuxin City

  16. 阜新市机动车尾气污染物排放现状分析

    Status and Analysis of Automobile Exhaust Gases Emission in FuXin

  17. 阜新市10年大气质量变化与分析

    Analysis of the air quality variations of Fuxin City

  18. 阜新市产业结构调整研究

    Study of the Adjustment of Industrial Structure in Fuxin

  19. 阜新市大气污染现状评价

    Present situation evaluation of air pollution in Fuxin city

  20. 阜新市大气环境质量现状模糊评价

    Evaluating atmospherically environment with fuzzy mathematics in fuxin city

  21. 阜新市经济转型的战略问题及对策

    On the Strategic Problem and Policies for the Economic Transformation of Fuxin City

  22. 阜新市经济转型模式研究

    The Economy Transfer Pattern Research of Fuxin City

  23. 阜新市含氟废水处理方法的实验探讨

    Research on the treatment of Fluoride Waste Water

  24. 阜新市垃圾分类处理系统研究

    Research on the Classifying Treatment System of the Domestic Solid Waste in Fuxin City

  25. 阜新市水资源可持续利用战略对策体系研究

    Studies of strategic measures system for sustainable utilization of water resources in Fuxin City

  26. 阜新市财源建设的关键问题

    Key problems of financial source construction in Fuxin

  27. 阜新市经济增长的计量分析

    The measuring analysis of economic growth in Fuxin

  28. 阜新市人防工程大体积混凝土理论研究与实践

    The Theoretical Research and Practice of Mass Concrete of Civil Defense in Fuxin City

  29. 阜新市煤矸石山的综合治理

    Comprehensive treatment on Fuxin city coal gob mountains

  30. 阜新市山桃流胶病的初步观察

    Observation on david peach gummosis in Fuxin City