
  1. 长江三角洲石荠苎属群体水平变异式样的研究

    A study on the variation patterns of Mosla in the Yangtze Delta on population level

  2. 凤的起源地是在长江中游,石家河文化的凤。

    Fung is the origin of the Yangtze River middle reaches , stone house culture river phoenix .

  3. 作为汉代主要葬玉之一的?蝉,在史前时期主要发现于长江中游的石家河文化中,并且主要出土于瓮棺葬的底部,应该与某种丧葬仪式或灵魂观有关。

    As major burial objects , pre-historical jade cicadas , mainly found from the bottom of urn coffin of the Shijiahe culture in the middle Yangtze River range , are related to funeral ceremony and the concept of soul in the Han dynast .

  4. 基于GIS和BP神经网络模型的长江中上游地区石漠化危险性评价

    Risk Assessment of Rocky Desertification in Upstream and Middle stream of Yangtze River Based on GIS and BP Neural Networks Model

  5. 长江流域进口铁矿石水运系统研究

    Study on Import Transport of Iron Ore Around the Yangtze River

  6. 为了求解这样一个复杂的水运大系统,对这些钢铁企业铁矿石原料的进口需求进行了分析和预测,建立了长江流域进口铁矿石水运网络模型。

    This paper analyzed and forecasted the import demands of iron ore for the steel plants alongside the Yangtze River .

  7. 结合武汉长江大桥人行道站石改造工程,介绍一种轻型钢筋混凝土结构防撞站石的结构型式和安装施工。

    In the combination with the reformation project of curb of pedestrian walk in Wuhan Changjiang River Bridge , the paper introduces a structural type , installation and construction of bump-proof curb of light reinforced concrete structure .