  • bore
  • 同“嘡”。


(用镗床切削机器零件上已有的孔眼) bore:

  • 镗孔

    bore hole

  1. 在制较大直径的孔并且精度要求不是很高时,可以考虑采用PCD刀具对其镗削扩孔,这既能保证加工质量,又能提高效率。

    When the larger diameter hole is needed and the precision is not very high , we can consider using PCD tool to bore CFRP , which not only guarantees the processing quality , but also improves efficiency .

  2. 他们在学习如何在船身上镗铆钉孔。

    They were learning how to bore rivet holes in the sides of ships .

  3. 箱体类零件钻镗组合机床夹具CAD系统

    CAD System of Fixture in Combined Machine of Turning and Drilling

  4. 基于BP神经网络的镗削加工工艺参数优选研究

    Optimization of the Technological Parameters about Boring Based on BP Neural Network

  5. PLC和触摸屏在钻镗组合机床上的应用

    Application of Touch Panel and PLC in Drilling and Boring Modular Machine

  6. 基于PLC控制的自动补偿精镗装置

    Fine boring equipment of automated compensation based on PLC control

  7. PLC在镗铣组合机床上的应用

    The Application of PLC in Tang Xi Modular Machine Tool

  8. 卧式镗铣床电气控制系统的PLC改造

    Design of the automatic control system of horizontal boring and milling machine

  9. 基于模糊PID的龙门移动式镗铣床同步控制研究

    Study on Synchronization Control of Gantry-moving Type Milling Machine Based on Fuzzy PID

  10. H∞鲁棒控制的高精度快速同步进给技术在镗铣加工中心中的应用研究

    Application Research on h_ ∞ robust controlled high-precision rapid synchronous traversing technology in milling machining centers

  11. 全自动CNC镗削活塞销孔专机的研究开发

    Research and Development of Full Automatic CNC Special Machine for Boring Piston Pin Hole

  12. FCC系列补偿镗头及其镗孔工艺

    FCC Series Compensating Boring Power Head and the Boring Process

  13. 只要将水泵壳体座52~(+0.03)mm孔按水泵衬座外径尺寸镗至55~(+0.06)mm,即可换装改进后的密封。

    The water pump liner seat of 55 ~ + ( 0.06 ) mm outside diameter should be bored to install the modified seal .

  14. Sachs镗削法的应用研究

    Applied study of Sachs boring method

  15. 并运用X射线光谱分析、能谱分析、化学分析、金相分析、X射线衍射相分析等手段,分析镗杆的材料成分和组织。

    The structure and components are studied by means of X-ray spectrographic analysis , spectrometer analysis , chemical analysis , metallography analysis , X-ray diffraction diagram analysis , etc.

  16. 用时间序列分析方法对镗削加工误差进行了分析和建模,建立了相应的AR误差模型。

    Analysis and modeling are made for the boring error by using time sequential analysis way , and corresponding AR error model is established .

  17. 发动机活塞销孔精镗加工用PCD镗刀和精密微调镗杆

    PCD Boring Tool and Fine Adjustment Boring Bar Used in Precision Finishing Pinhole of Engine Piston

  18. 装有这种新型变形镗杆的NC镗床能高效地镗削活塞异形销孔,并达到微米精度的要求。

    The NC boring machine equipped with this kind of deformable bar can bore special-shaped pin hole in piston efficiently , and meanwhile meet the demand of micro-meter accuracy .

  19. JDT系列精密微调镗头及自动检测补偿系统

    Series JDT precision boring head with fine adjustments and automatic monitoring compensation system

  20. 在引进汽车发动机生产线上对高速半精镗、精镗缸孔的CBN刀具进行了切削对比试验。

    The comparison tests of CBN cutters for high speed boring cylinder blocks are carried out on the introduced car engine production lines .

  21. 采用压电陶瓷(PZT)传感器等测量控制技术,在线补偿镗削加工中的误差,以提高镗孔精度。

    This paper presents a method to improve the machining accuracy in the small-deep-hole boring operation . A piezoelectric actuator is employed to on-line compensate the machining errors .

  22. 第3章根据设计GMM智能镗杆构件的结构,提出了基于GMM电-磁-机三场耦合有限元的GMM智能镗杆构件多目标优化模型。

    In chapter 3 , the smart component multi-objective optimization model integrated the GMM electric , magnetic and mechanical fields FE model GMM is proposed .

  23. 利用ADAMS软件的振动模块分析减振系统中环形橡胶径向刚度系数和阻尼液等效粘性阻尼系数对镗杆动态特性的影响。

    The influence of the radial stiffness coefficient of rubber brushes and the equivalent viscous damping coefficient of damping fluid on the vibration system is discussed by using the vibration analyses module of ADAMS .

  24. 详细介绍对W200H镗铣床的主轴调速系统、进给调速系统的改造方案,并采用PLC实现对整机的控制,为旧设备改造提供了有益的经验。

    The rebuilding scheme for the speed servo system of spindle system and the feed system is introduced to the storing and milling machine . We realize to control the machine by PLC and the useful experience is provided for rebuilding old equipment .

  25. 针对龙门移动式镗铣加工中心同步传动不一致性问题进行研究,应用干扰观测器来抑制加工中心双直线电机驱动的X轴方向上由于外部力矩干扰以及模型参数变化等因素造成的不同步现象。

    The inconsistency of the synchronous drive for gantry-moving type boring-milling machining centers is studied . Disturbance Observer is used in dual linear servo motors X-drifts of gantry-moving type boring-milling machining centers to reject the asynchronous phenomenon caused by the parameters variation and outer torques .

  26. BTA刚性镗铰刀加工高强度钢大直径精密深孔&刀片材料对孔加工质量的影响

    Boring large diameter precise deep hole by BTA rigid boring and reaming tool on high strength steel workpiece & the influence to hole quality by cutting tool materials

  27. 在多体动力学理论基础上,利用软件ADAMS以及ANSYS构建了集成的系统平台.在此基础上,对重型数控机床深孔加工动力减振镗杆的设计进行了仿真验证。

    This article uses advanced software & ADAMS and ANSYS to build the integrated system platform based on theory of Dynamics of Multi-body System , and validate the accuracy of the design for heavy NC machine tools dynamical vibration absorption boring bar for deep-hole processing .

  28. 将上海KSB公司的OMEGA大型数控镗铣加工中心设备投资项目决策过程划分为可行性决策研究和供应商多方案选择决策研究两个阶段并构建出相应的决策评价指标体系。

    Then separating the OMEGA large CNC boring and milling machining center investment project into two phases and create the feasibility analysis system and the multi-factor decision analysis system .

  29. 从理论上分析了采用C650改造车床镗削立柱缸的工艺可行性。

    From analyzed theoretically the adoption C650 reforms the craft possibility of the lather the cylinder of hydraulic legs .

  30. 2A637Φ1数控俄罗斯卧式镗铣床夹刀机构常见故障与处理

    Common Fault and Treatment for Clamping Apparatus of 2A637 φ 1 Numerical Control Russia Horizontal Type Boring Milling Machine
