
niè tónɡ hé jīn
  • Nickel copper alloy;thermalloy
  1. 讨论了络合剂的浓度、电流密度、铜离子的浓度、pH、温度等因素对锡镍铜合金镀层的外观及铜、镍的含量的影响。

    The effect of pH value , current density , temperature and the concentration of the main salt and copper ion in the bath on composition of the coating were studied .

  2. 镍铜合金电子结构的分析

    An Analysis of the Electronic Structure of Nickel - Copper Alloys

  3. 铸造镍铜合金&蒙耐尔合金的开发和应用

    The Development and Application of Casting Metal of Ni Cu Monel

  4. 稀土对镍铜合金铸铁耐碱蚀性能的影响

    Effect of Rare-earth on Caustic Corrosion Resistance of Nickel-Copper Alloy Cast Iron

  5. 黑珍珠镀层&锡镍铜合金电镀工艺生产实践

    Black Pearl Deposit & Application of Sn-Ni-Cu Alloy Plating Process

  6. 络合滴定法连续测定钨镍铜合金中的镍和铜

    Consecutive determination of copper and nickel in W-Ni-Cu alloy by complexometric titration

  7. 一种高强耐蚀镍铜合金的沉淀相与时效硬化

    Precipitates and Age Hardening in the Nickel Copper Base Alloy Monel K 500

  8. 盐酸重量法测定高耐磨镍铜合金中硅含量

    Determination of silicon content in high wear-resistant nickel-copper alloy by hydrochloric acid gravimetric method

  9. 当稀土含量为0.05%时,镍铜合金铸铁试样的耐蚀性较好。

    The caustic corrosion resistance of alloy cast iron with 0.05 % RE is better .

  10. 研究了一种柠檬酸盐体系电镀锡镍铜合金新工艺。

    A new technology that the tin-nickel-copper alloy deposition can be electroplated in the citrate acid system bath was introduced .

  11. 采用动态失重法测定稀土镍铜合金铸铁在高温浓碱液中的腐蚀速度;

    The corrosion rate of Re-Ni-Cu alloy cast iron in hot concentrated alkaline solution was measured by the dynamic hydrometer method ;

  12. 人们的手和这种镍铜合金硬币保持5分钟接触就会引起镍污染。

    Contamination of hands with nickel was shown to occur by handling cupro-nickel coins for five minutes , the study said .

  13. 并且发现添加剂明胶有明显抑制铜析出的作用,可大范围提高电铸镍铜合金的表面光亮度。

    And we found additive gelatin has significant inhibitory to copper exhalation role . So it can improve the surface brightness of electroforming nickel copper alloy in a big range .

  14. 在现场采用刷涂镍铜合金处理后,测得风机启、停瞬间轴承箱振动速度最大为3.1mm/s,符合要求。

    Having coated Ni-Cu alloy on site , the measured maximum bearing case vibration speed was 3.1 mm / s at the moment of fan start and stop , which satisfied the requirement .

  15. Monel合金是一种重要的镍铜耐蚀合金,该合金兼有十分优良的力学及耐蚀性能。在国防及国民生产的各个领域(包括石化、核能、军用等领域)中具有十分重要的应用。

    Monel is a type of nickel copper base alloy of vital importance , which has been widely used in national defense applications and national product applications due to its excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance .

  16. 铜镍合金及铜合金中镍和锌的测定

    Polarographic determination of nickel and zinc in copper-nickel alloys and copper alloys

  17. 镍、铜低合金奥贝球铁特性研究

    Characteristics of Austempered Ductile Iron Alloyed with Low Additions of Ni and Cu

  18. 锡镍铜三元合金电镀工艺的研究

    Sn - Ni - Cu Alloy Plating Technology

  19. 实验的结果认为:铬镍钼铜低合金高强度铸钢中的异常断口为贝壳状断口。

    The results indicate that the fracture defect of cast HSLA steel is the conchoidal fracture .

  20. GB/T4435-1984镍及镍铜合金棒

    Nickel and nickel-copper alloys round bars

  21. 由锡镍铜三元合金镀液可获得耐蚀性优良的、似黑珍珠色的装饰性镀层。

    Decorative black-pearl coloured film with excellent corrosion resistance can be obtained from a Sn-Ni-Cu alloy plating bath .

  22. 纳米镍、铜、Ni-B合金和铝粉使推进剂样品的高温放热峰温度分别降低了14.7℃、33.6℃、23.3℃和31.6℃,其中纳米铜粉的催化作用最强。

    In the meanwhile , Nanometer Ni , Cu , Ni-B and Al had catalytic characteristics on the propellant samples and could make the high temperature decomposition decrease 14.7 ℃, 33.6 ℃, 23.3 ℃ and 31.6 ℃ respectively .

  23. 镧镍铜锰吸氢合金的制备与表面性质

    Preparation and surface properties of a la-ni-cu-mn hydrogen-absorbing alloy

  24. 结果表明,所得镍-铜-磷合金镀层的耐蚀性、外观、结合力、孔隙率、沉积速度、硬度和耐磨性等性能优于镍-磷合金及前人制得的镍-铜-磷合金镀层。

    The results show that electroless nickel copper phosphorus alloy deposits obtained have improved corrosion resistance , appearance , adhesion , porosity , deposition rate , hardness and wear resistance .

  25. 为提高化学镀镍的硬度、耐磨及耐蚀性,以拓宽其在电子工业中的应用,采用在化学镀镍磷合金液中添加适量的铜离子制得镍铜磷三元合金。

    The purpose of this study was to improve electroless nickel deposits in hardness , wear and corrosion resistance , and extend their application in electronic industry . Electroless nickel-copper-phosphorus ternary alloy deposits were prepared by addition of cupric sulfate in electroless nickel-phosphorus alloy plating bath .

  26. 本文拟订了镍含量超过锌含量五倍时,铜镍合金及铜合金中镍与锌的极谱测定方案。

    The procedures for the polarographic determination of nickel and zinc in copper-nickel alloys and copper alloys in which the nickel amounts to 5 times the zinc have been worked out by the authors .