  • shovel;spade
  • 挖土或铲其他东西的器具。


(铁锹) spade; shovel:

  • 挖一锹深

    dig a spade's depth; dig a spit deep;

  • 一锹煤

    a shovel of coal;

  • 他用锹挖地。

    He dug the ground with a spade.

  1. 用锹把地翻一遍。

    Turn the soil over with a spade .

  2. 锹和耙的手柄较长,可发挥较好的杠杆作用。

    The spade and fork have longer shafts , providing better leverage .

  3. 她用镐和平锹挖地基。

    She dug the foundation with a pick and shovel .

  4. 酷爱假日的英国人正收拾小桶和锹铲前往阳光充足的地方。

    Holiday mad Brits are packing their buckets and spades and heading for the sun .

  5. 他用锹挖地。

    He dug the ground with a spade .

  6. 这把锹你先对付着用吧。

    Try to make do with this spade for now .

  7. 看到哈桑汗流浃背地拼命挥锹,杰迪觉得十分可笑。

    Jehdi was amused to see Hassan perspiring .

  8. V型植苗锹在更新造林中的应用效果

    Application Effect of Stock-planting Shovel with V-type in Transformation Afforestation

  9. 同时他铲起一锹土,摔在棺材上。

    And he flung a shovelful of earth on the coffin .

  10. 他的锹凿开了坚实的砂土,发出令人舒心的嘎扎声。

    His spade cleaved the firm sand with a satisfying crunch .

  11. 然然而,几锹土下赴之后,驴子平静了下来。

    Then , a few shovel-fulls later , he quieted down completely .

  12. 《康涅锹格州纪事》、《纽约时报》.

    the Connecticut Record , and the New York Times .

  13. 钢锹热处理工艺及设备的节能改造

    Heat Treating Processing for Steel Spade and Energy-saving Retrofitting of Treating Equipment

  14. 带着桶和锹去海滨的孩子们。

    Children carrying their buckets and spades to the beach .

  15. 这里要锹和镐头干什么?

    What business has a pick and a shovel here ?

  16. 我用一把镐锹干活,双手都磨破流血了。

    I got torn and bleeding hands working with a pick and shovel .

  17. 把整块菜地按两锹深翻挖一遍。

    Dig the whole vegetable plot two spits deep .

  18. 他用锹把土铲平。

    He evened out the soil with a spade .

  19. 我需要一把锹,你的女婿可以帮苏姗娜挖新的黏土。

    I need one , and your sons-in-law can dig new clay for Susana .

  20. 锹更斯比较法兰西贵族的富裕与其农民的贫穷。

    Dickens contrasts the opulence of France 's nobility with indigence of her peasants .

  21. 拿犁或锹耕田。

    Putting plough or spade to the earth .

  22. 那几锹费吉尼亚泥土象征的不仅仅是一座研究实验室的建造。

    Those shovels of Virginia ground symbolized more than the construction of a research laboratory .

  23. 汤姆拿起一把没人用的锹,就干了起来,而且干得很有劲。

    Tom , picking up a spare spade , fell to and worked with a will .

  24. 这把锹使起来不得劲。

    This is an awkward spade .

  25. 从艺术欣赏角度介绍锹甲与绘画、锹甲与邮票、锹甲与装饰;

    Stag beetle relating to drawings , stamps and decorations are introduced in the art world .

  26. 谁会把锹和镐头拿到这里呢?你说楼上会不会有人?

    Who could have brought those tools here ? Do you reckon they can be upstairs ?

  27. 当我一锹一锹的挖掘,汗水滴进了泥土。

    When I was a spade a spade for digging , sweat dripping into the dirt .

  28. 铲煤就是用锹把煤从一个地方移到另一个地方去。

    To shovel coal is to move it from one place to another with a shovel .

  29. 目前,二者的系统分类已经成为锹甲科分类研究中的一个突出问题。

    At present , the system classification has become a prominent question in lucanidae taxonomy study .

  30. 很好,再加一把劲。这把锹使起来不得劲。

    Very well , now put your best foot forward . This is an awkward spade .
