
  • 网络Jinzhou Petrochemical Corp
  1. 浅析锦州石化公司HSE管理体系运行现状及推进措施

    Operation status and improvement measures for HSE management system in Jinzhou Petrochemical Company

  2. RPMS在锦州石化公司的开发和应用

    RPMS Development and Application in Jinzhou Petrochemical Company

  3. Rp-52水处理剂在锦州石化公司的工业应用

    Commercial Application of RP-52 Water Treatment Chemicals in Jinzhou Petrochemical Company

  4. 锦州石化公司煅烧装置的主体设备&回转床式煅烧炉是引进美国Salem公司的专利技术与设备,与其配套的其他设备为国内产品。

    The main equipment , horizontal rotary calcination oven , of calcination system in Jinzhou Petro-chemical Company is imported from Salem Company , USA with its patent . And other associated equipments are domestic products .

  5. 锦州石化公司3000m3炼油污水储罐因Cl-,NH3,CN-和酚等腐蚀介质的影响,致使原环氧防腐蚀涂层失效并有300多处点蚀穿孔。

    On the 3000 m 3 refinery waste water tank in Jinzhou Petrochemical Company , the epoxy resin corrosion protection coating failed and more than 300 pittings were found due to the corrosion media of Cl - , NH 3 and CN - .

  6. 为降低汽油烯烃含量、适应清洁汽油的要求,锦州石化公司先后将LGO-A降烯烃助剂、LBO-16降烯烃催化剂以及MGD工艺在三催化装置上成功地进行了工业应用。

    LGO-A co-catalyst , LBO-16 catalyst and MGD technics were in series triumphantly applied to the NO. 3 FCC unit in Jinzhou Petrochemical company for decreasing the gasoline olefin content to meet the requirement of clean fuel production .

  7. 锦州石化公司人力资源管理策略研究

    Human Resources Management Strategy Research of Jinzhou Petrochemical

  8. 本文将现代管理设备的基本理论、方法与锦州石化公司的实际情况相结合,研究了适宜锦州石化公司的设备管理方法和模式。

    This paper researches on the suitable methods and models of equipment management for Jinzhou petrochemical company .

  9. 其次介绍了锦州石化公司重组后的基本情况以及运行状况。

    Secondly , the paper introduces the basic and proceeding situation after the recombination of JinZhou Petroleum Company .

  10. 本论文以锦州石化公司催化裂化柴油为原料对氧化抽提方法进行了系统的研究。

    In this paper , the oxidation and extraction method was systematically studied with the FCC LCO as feed .

  11. 本次扩能改造成功地改变了锦州石化公司丙烯精制系统因产品产量和质量造成的丙烯产品供需严重失衡的局面,解决了长期困扰公司的生产问题,取得了很大的经济效益和社会效益。

    The modification settled the problem that bothered Jinzhou Petrochemical Corporation and considerable economical and social benefits were gained .

  12. 受体制制约和历史文化积淀影响,锦州石化公司薪酬分配体系和激励机制不完善。

    Influenced by the system restriction and historical and cultural heritage , both of Compensation Distribution System and Incentives System are immature .

  13. 介绍了锦州石化公司柴油加氢改质装置首次器外再生及再生后的应用,并与再生前及新鲜催化剂进行了比较。

    This paper analyzed the characteristic of diesel emission particulate matters and its control methods , and compared different regeneration technology for filters .

  14. 详细了介绍了锦州石化公司体育馆及附属设施钢架结构的防火及防火涂料涂装;

    The fire protection of steel structure of gymnasium and auxiliary facilities of Jinzhou Petrochemical Company and application of fire-proof coating were described in detail .

  15. 介绍了锦州石化公司炼油厂40万t/a焦化汽柴油加氢精制装置原料油过滤器存在的问题及改进措施。

    The problem areas and improvement measures of the feedstock filter for 400000 t / a coker gasoline / diesel hydrotreating unit of jinzhou petrochemical co. were recommended .

  16. 中国石油锦州石化公司煅烧装置回转炉下料管,在运转过程中水套与内管连接处发生了开裂和烧损。

    The rotary hearth calciner in calcinations device of Jinzhou Petrochemical Incorporation was cracked and burnt out at the joint be-tween water jacket and inner tube during its operation .

  17. 本文对锦州石化公司焦化污油加工装置的现状进行了分析,找出该装置能耗高的瓶颈问题所在。

    Based on the analysis of the coking residue precess unit in JinZhou petroleum company , it is found out that the bottleneck is due to the demulsifier used .

  18. 包括锦州石化公司在内的我国石油石化企业既要与世界上老牌的跨国石油石化公司进行较量,也要与许多具有相当实力的国外石油石化公司竞争。

    The domestic petrochemical enterprises including jinzhou petrochemical company will compete against old-line world known transnational petroleum and petrochemical corporations as well as many other considerably competitive abroad petroleum and petrochemical corporations .

  19. 再次指出了锦州石化公司重组后运行过程中存在的问题,根据问题分析、查找出现这些问题的原因。

    Thirdly , the paper points out some problems existing in the run procedure after the recombination of JinZhou Petroleum Company , and some causes are found according to analyzing the problems .

  20. 锦州石化公司一套催化裂化装置沉降器工况不好,导致油浆系统固体含量高而影响装置正常生产。

    The high solid content in slurry system , caused by the bad working condition of reactor for the first FCC unit in Jinzhou petrochemical company , affected the normal production of unit .

  21. 为了缓解催化重整原料不足的矛盾,锦州石化公司分别以石脑油、石脑油中掺入10%的加氢焦化汽油和石脑油中掺入25%的加氢焦化汽油作重整原料,进行生产试验。

    To mitigate the catalytic reformer feedstock shortage , naphtha , naphtha blended with 10 % and 25 % of hydrotreated coker naphtha respectively were used as feedstocks by Jinzhou Petrochemical Company for commercial tests .

  22. 第三,重点分析了锦州石化公司人力资源状况,并对人力资源进行了系统分析,找出企业原来的培训流程的缺陷,并指出了培训项目开发流程再造的必要性。

    Thirdly , the focus of Jinzhou Petrochemical Corporation human resources , and human resources to conduct the analysis . The original business processes to identify training deficiencies , and noted the need for the training project development process reengineering .

  23. 锦州石化公司正是在这个形势下不断发展和壮大起来的,随着公司的发展,人力资源管理建设中存在的不足日益显现,并已成为影响公司未来发展战略实现的关键问题。

    Jinzhou Petrochemical Company is growing up in such a fiercely competitive situation . With the development of its business , the problems of human resources management system is more obvious and apparent , and is becoming the key factor to impact the future strategy of its business .

  24. 中国石油锦州石化分公司柴油中压加氢改质装置原设计处理能力为800kt/a,进行了1.1Mt/a扩能改造。

    A medium pressure hydro-upgrading unit with an original design capacity of 800kt / a in Jinzhou Petrochemical Company was revamped to 1.1Mt/a .

  25. 为适应清洁汽油的要求,锦州石化股份公司与石油化工科学研究院合作,该院研制的降烯烃助剂LGOA,在锦州石化公司1.40Mt/a重油催化裂化装置上进行工业应用试验。

    LGO A co catalyst developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing was added to the 1.40 Mt / a heavy oil FCC unit in Jinzhou Petrochemical Company for decreasing the naphtha olefin content to meet the requirement of clean fuel production .

  26. 锦州石化分公司在含硫污水汽提装置应用了SJ-1型水解促进剂。这种新技术的应用降低了汽提装置净化水中氨氮的含量,节约了成本,取得了较好的经济效益。

    With application of SJ - 1 hydrolytic accelerating agent in the sour water stripping unit in Jinzhou Petrochemical Branch , ammonia nitrogen content in the purified water of stripping unit has been reduced , which either economizes on operating cost or gains a good economy benefit .

  27. 锦州石化实业公司是隶属于中国石油锦州石化公司的一家石油化工集体企业。

    Jinzhou Petrochemical Industry Company is a collective owned company on petrochemical business area that belongs to PetroChina Jinzhou Petrochemical Company .