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  • mace

  • iron protection for a wheel axle
  • 古代的一种兵器,像鞭,四棱。

  1. 她可能会威胁要拿出她的杀手锏:出自传来爆料糗事。

    She could threaten to play her trump card , an autobiography of embarrassing disclosures .

  2. 这是锏和铁棒的本质区别。

    This is the essential difference between mace and pontil .

  3. 来看英语解释:在比赛中特别狠命的一击,直接把对方K.O.因此,Sundaypunch是指最厉害的一击,可以延伸为某人最后的杀手锏。

    Sunday punch means a particularly heavy blow or a powerful punch able to knock someone out

  4. 安西娅正打算亮出杀手锏,没有她的签名,就无法放款。

    Anthea was about to play her trump card - without her signature none of the money could be released .

  5. 这正是为什么BPM(业务流程管理)是SOA“杀手锏”的原因。

    This is why BPM ( business process management ) is the " killer app " for SOA .

  6. 他们目前可能还没有使出杀手锏,Blatter虽然目前是安全的,但已经伤了元气。

    They may yet come up trumps . Blatter appears safe for now but he is wounded .

  7. 这个在线支付系统于2002年被eBay收购后,不仅给公司带来了持续增长的利润,有时还成为前者用于说服投资者的杀手锏。

    The online payment system , acquired in 2002 , provided eBay with growing profits and , at times , a much-needed good story to tell investors .

  8. 最令人不安的是,正式版Playbook竟然没有电子邮件服务,而这恰恰是黑莓智能手机的杀手锏。

    Most worrisome , the playbook launched without the email service that makes its smartphones so attractive to many users .

  9. 原告利用了一项联邦成文法(参阅《家禽产品检验法》[PoultryProductsInspectionAct])来推翻禁令,这让一些动物权益倡导人士感到不安,但联邦法律经常成为对付州监管的杀手锏,有时是好事有时是坏事。

    Although the plaintiffs used a federal statute ( see the Poultry Products Inspection Act ) to overturn the ban , and although that makes some animal welfare advocates uneasy , federal law is often used to trump state regulations , both good and bad .

  10. 当然,接下来还有一个确保溢价和提高品牌认知的杀手锏,一个在EMBA市场行之有效的高招:提高价格。

    Then of course , there is one final tried and tested way of ensuring premium status and high brand recognition , a tactic that worked so well in the EMBA market : put the price up .

  11. 今年2月,科技巨头IBM公司发布了BlueMix云平台,作为其征战云计算领域的杀手锏。这一平台向开发者提供了多种工具,为企业创建和运行新的应用。

    An essential part of IBM 's IBM - 0.09 % campaign to conquer cloud computing is a new product called BlueMix . Launched in February of this year , the platform offers developers tools to create and run new apps for business .

  12. 只要我亮出杀手锏,我的蛋糕。

    I swear , when we hand out my killer cupcakes .

  13. 我们的杀手锏是一份正确和彻底的分析。

    Deadliest weapon we have is a thorough and accurate profile .

  14. 不到紧急关头不要亮出撒手锏。

    Don 't reveal your trump card before the crucial moment .

  15. 低生产率实际上是日本的杀手锏。

    Low productivity is actually a Japanese ace in the hole .

  16. 超空泡&未来海战的杀手锏。

    Supercavitation technology & a Sunday punch of the future naval battle .

  17. 这可是我的杀手锏,不轻易使用的!

    This is my trump card . I never use it easily .

  18. 这额外的能量使我们的“母舰”可以使出她的杀手锏!

    This additional energy will allow our Mothership to employ her final ability .

  19. 因为你知道狮子的杀手锏是什麽吗?

    Because do you know what the lion 's most powerful weapon is ?

  20. 如果他出了错,他总还有个杀手锏&降息。

    If he is wrong , he can always start lowering interest rates .

  21. 她拿出杀手锏来了。

    She is bringing out the big guns .

  22. 杀手锏、产业链问题及创新与发展策略

    Issues of Killer-x and Industry Eco-x , and the Strategy of Innovation and Development

  23. 知道如何”爱它“就像拥有一记杀手锏。

    Knowing how to " love it " is like having a killer forehand .

  24. 李:好吧,让我来告诉你他的杀手锏。

    Lee : Okay , let me -- let me tell you his game .

  25. 感烟火灾探测器烟气是火魔的杀手锏。

    Smoke is the killer of fire .

  26. 谈判桌上的杀手锏

    The powerful weapon over the negotiation table

  27. 这些令人印象深刻的作战技巧,使得他们成为了对付炮兵及散兵的杀手锏。

    These impressive collection of skills make them ideal for use against artillery and skirmishers .

  28. 未来海战的杀手锏&新概念武器之电炮、火炮武器

    New Concept Weapons in the Future Warfare

  29. 盟军最后的杀手锏,是残忍的武力,而不是智慧和灵感。

    Brute force , rather than wit and ingenuity , characterised the final Allied effort .

  30. 宽带业务发展与撒手锏、产业链的关系

    Relationship of Broadband Services Development With " Killer-x " and " Industry Eco-x " Issues