- fayalite

Iron recovery was greatly improved by transforming fayalite to magnetite .
After the enhancement of direct reduction in microwave shaft furnace , the pellets will not occur " round spherical " wustite , the content of fayalite is significantly reduced , reduction efforts are significantly improved .
Synthesis , infrared spectra and X-ray diffraction of Mg-Fe olivine
From melteigite to ijolite to urtite , the Fo value of olivine is gradually decreased and its subspecies is from chrysolite near to the end point of forsterite to chrysolite near to the end point of hyalosiderite to ferrohortonolite .
Thermodynamic studies of fayalite - laihunite group minerals
A Study of the Geological Factors of Shangnan Shaanxi Forsterite Deposit for Mining and Concentrating Technology
The Discovery and Preliminary Study of Fayalite Aggregates with Composition Approaching the End Member of Fayalite
Therefore , this paper gives a preliminary test result of effect of iron content on the viscosity of olivine aggregates .
From the FTIR analysis , it is observed that water content increases with iron content as well as temperature under the experimental condition we used .
The analysis of optical microscope and x-ray diffraction indicates that through the reasonable iron-bearing material proportioning to promote the calcium ferrite and iron olivine formation , and to obtain the melting corrosion structure or the granular structure as primarily sinter , the sinter strength could be increased .