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  1. 作为重组乙型肝炎疫苗、流感病毒、钩状螺旋体病毒等疫苗佐剂的研究表明,补益类中药有效成分具有良好的免疫佐剂特性,将其研制开发为新型人用疫苗佐剂将具广阔前景。

    Therefore , the active components of some tonic Chinese herbs have broad prospects for application as novel human vaccine adjuvants .

  2. 本种的唇瓣橘黄色并呈T形,前唇裂片成方形,长宽近相等,唇瓣基部囊内各具一枚钩状胼胝体。

    This species is characterized by having flowers saffron , lip T-shaped , lobules of epichile squarish and not much longer than wide , and each side of sac with only one callus inside .