
dùn huà
  • passivation;inactivation;deactivation
钝化 [dùn huà]
  • (1) [passivation]

  • (2) 在半导体表面上生成一层能促进电性能稳定的氧化层,通常将晶体管表面与周围电的和化学的条件相隔离,以减少反向漏电流,提高击穿电压,增加功耗的定额

  • (3) 金属经强氧化剂或电化学方法氧化处理,使呈钝状的过程

  • (4) [inactivation]∶催化剂、血清等活性的破坏

钝化[dùn huà]
  1. 钝化反应速率常数的升高会导致体系Pw与PI的降低。

    The higher deactivation rate constant is , the lower Pw and PI are .

  2. 聚烯烃金属钝化剂的原理及应用技术

    The Philosophy and Application Technology of Metallic Deactivation Agent for Polyolefin

  3. 本节只讨论其中的两类:金属离子钝化剂和过氧化物分解剂。

    Only two types will be included in present discussion : metal-ion deactivators and peroxide decomposers .

  4. 最后分析了H原子对硅片钝化的微观机理。

    At last explain the microcosmic mechanism in how hydrogen atom passivate silicon .

  5. 钝化处理对GaN基LED反向漏电流特性的改善

    Improvement on GaN-based LED Reversed Leakage Current Characteristic by Passivation Process

  6. Si(100)&As表面钝化作用和氧吸附

    Passivation Effect and Oxygen Adsorption of Si ( 100 ) - As Surface

  7. β-GaS钝化的GaAs表面的光电子能谱

    Photoelectron Spectra on β - GaS Passivated GaAs ( 100 ) Surfaces

  8. 试验结果表明:高静压处理可显著钝化草莓POD活性。

    Experimental results showed that high hydrostatic pressure could passivate POD significantly .

  9. 用XPS研究铅铜合金钝化膜

    An XPS Study of passive films of aluminum - copper alloy

  10. Gr/Al复合材料表面镀覆双层金属黑色钝化膜的工艺研究

    Study of double layer passivation black coating on Gr / 6061Al composite surface

  11. Al-Mg(Cu)合金钝化膜的XPS深度剖析

    Analysis of passive films of Al Alloys by XPS depth profile

  12. 表面钝化对GeMOS电容可靠性的影响

    Effects of Surface Passivation on Reliability of Ge MOS Capacitors

  13. Na2S钝化的GaAs表面光荧光特性的研究

    Study of photoluminescence character on GaAs surface passivated by Na_2S

  14. GaAs表面硫钝化研究新进展

    Recent developments in GaAs surface passivation by sulfur

  15. 钝化剂NaNO2的缓蚀作用

    The Inhibition of Passivator NaNO_2

  16. 氢对GaAs薄膜的钝化作用

    Hydrogen Passivation Effect on GaAs Thin Films

  17. 铬铝复合钝化膜的XPS研究

    An XPS Study of Cr-Al composite passive films

  18. 熔化极Al-Si合金焊丝表面的钝化处理

    Passivation Treatment of Melting Pole Al-Si Alloy Welding Wire Surface

  19. 另外,微波前处理可以增加芦笋热水温烫处理过程中维生素C降解的活化能并且减小过氧化物酶钝化的活化能。

    In addition , microwaves pre-treatment could increase the activation energy of ascorbic acid degradation and decrease the activation energy of peroxidase inactivation during water blanching of asparagus .

  20. SiO2钝化腹对硅/玻璃静电键合的影响

    Role of SiO_2 Film in Si / Glass Bonding Technology

  21. F钝化效应体现在:(1)降低了界面势垒高度(仅为~5meV),增加了载流子的迁移率;(2)淬灭了与缺陷相关的ZnO可见发射,提高了紫外发光效率。

    F passivation ( 1 ) significantly decreases the grain boundary potential barrier ( ~ 5 meV ), thus increasing carrier mobility ;

  22. 铝含量对Fe-30Mn-(1~9)Al合金阳极钝化性能影响的研究

    The Effect of the Aluminium Content on the Anodic Passivation Behaviour of Fe-30wt % Mn - ( 1 ~ 9 ) wt % oAl Alloys

  23. 结果表明,X70钢在高pH溶液和近中性pH溶液中的阳极极化曲线表现出明显的差异:在高pH溶液中有明显的活化-钝化转变而在近中性pH溶液中则无;

    The anodic polarization curves showed different features in near-neutral pH and high pH solutions in terms of active-passive transition behavior .

  24. 同时器件的脉冲测试结果显示,SiN钝化对大栅宽器件的电流崩塌效应不能彻底消除。

    Through the pulsed test , the current collapse of large gate width HFET passivated by SiN still appears .

  25. 模型以氢钝化SiC表面悬挂键,降低SiC表面的界面态密度,消除了费米能级钉扎,获得理想的SiC表面。

    The density of surface states is lowered to unpin the Fermi level because the hydrogen passivated dangling bonds of the surface .

  26. 氢对硅中4d过渡杂质的钝化

    Hydrogen Passivation of Deep Level Related to 4d Transition Impurities in Silicon

  27. 电化学测试表明水质中pH值、腐蚀性离子、水温等对无钝化膜铜材料的腐蚀速率均产生影响。

    Electrochemical tests showed that the pH value in water , corrosive ions , water temperature had an impact on the corrosion rate of copper without passive film .

  28. 对敏化的不锈钢电极,在不同的电极电势范围内,钝化膜显示出n-型或p-型半导体的特性。

    The results of the photocurrent measurements indicated that the passive films on sensitized stainless steel showed characteristics of n type or p type semiconductors , respectively , under various potential region .

  29. 红子果实氧化酶活性相当强,这是保鲜果低温贮藏、加工果钝化酶活性利于VC保存的依据;

    The oxidase activity of fruit is very high , it is the basic for protecting Vc of storing fruit under low temperature and inactivating enzymatic activity to processed fruit .

  30. 316L不锈钢无铬钝化工艺研究

    Technique of chromium-free passivation of 316L stainless steel