
  • 网络golden gate;San Francisco Bay
  1. 金门海峡是从太平洋进入圣弗兰西斯科的入口。

    The Golden Gate Strait is the entrance to the San Francisco Bay from the Pacific Ocean .

  2. 我可以看见金门海峡、旧金山和伯克利山,半个西方世界都在这儿度假,每天我只是漫步到这里,练习跳舞。

    I can see the Golden Gate , San Francisco , the Berkeley hills ; half the Western world vacations here and I just stroll in every day and practice dancing .

  3. 金门大桥因金门海峡而得名,这条窄窄的水域连接旧金山湾到太平洋。

    The Golden Gate Bridge is named after the Golden Gate Strait . That narrow passage of water connects the San Francisco Bay to the Pacific Ocean . Joseph Strauss was the chief engineer of the Golden Gate Bridge project .

  4. 金门大桥得名于金门海峡,这一狭窄水道连接了旧金山湾和太平洋。

    The Golden Gate Bridge is named after the Golden Gate Strait . That narrow passage of water connects the San Francisco Bay to the Pacific Ocean .

  5. 我们穿过一座巨大的花岗岩雕塑,肩上披着红色的披肩,迎风飘展,膝盖前面香烟袅袅——陈说,这就是风狮爷(windliongod),全金门共有70座,先人树此目的是让金门免遭台湾海峡狂风之肆虐。

    We passed a large granite statue , flowing red cape around its shoulders , incense burning in its lap - a wind lion god , said Chen , one of 70 erected to protect the island from the violent winds that rip through the strait .

  6. 金门大桥名字来源于联通旧金山海湾与太平洋的狭长水道——金门海峡。

    The Golden Gate Bridge is named after the Golden Gate Strait.That narrow passage of water connects the San Francisco Bay to the Pacific Ocean .