
  • 网络Ligustrum vicaryi;Ligustrum lucidum
  1. 在河南郑州市发现金叶女贞新病害&叶斑病。

    A new disease of Ligustrum vicaryi in Zhengzhou , Henan Province has been found .

  2. 金叶女贞轮纹病的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the ring spot of California Privet

  3. 到第60天,25%遮荫条件的金叶女贞叶色也转为绿色。

    To 60 days , 25 % of the shade of the gold leaf privet leaves have turned green .

  4. 危害但不喜食的植物有栾树、木槿、榆叶梅、紫藤、柿树、樱桃、金叶女贞等。

    Endangering but dislike eating plants are goldenrain tree , hibiscus , Prunus triloba , wisteria , persimmon , cherry , and California Privet , ect .

  5. 六种彩色观赏植物中金叶女贞不能在引入地正常露地越冬,引种不成功。

    Goldleaf privet among six varieties of multicolor ornamental plants could not live through the winter normally on the open filed cultivation of introduction areas and could not introduce successfully .

  6. 不同越冬防寒措施对六种彩色观赏植物的越冬性都有程度不同的影响,金叶女贞最佳的防寒保护措施是塑料薄膜覆盖;

    The influences of different measures for preventing cold to live through the winter on six varieties of multicolor ornamental plants is different . The best prevention cold and protection measure for goldleaf privet is covered with plastics membrane ;