
  1. 1996年中华鲟被列入IUCN红皮书濒危物种,也是我国一级重点保护动物。本研究针对当前中华鲟群体的濒危现状,应用微卫星DNA标记开展中华鲟保护遗传学研究。

    Chinese sturgeon is included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 1996 , and is also under the category I in state protection species list of China .

  2. 大熊猫(AiluropodaMelanoleuca)是我国特有的珍稀濒危物种,国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物,我国的国宝,动物界的活化石,是全世界珍稀濒危动物保护的旗舰物种。

    The giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ), distributed only in China and called " living fossil ", has been a flagship of endangered and rare species in the world .

  3. 朱鹮(Nipponianippon)是濒危鸟类,我国Ⅰ级重点保护动物,目前世界上只有一一个野生种群,分布于我国陕西省洋县及其周边地区,数量约336只。

    The Crested Ibis ( Nipponia nippon ) is one of the most endangered species in the world , with the only wild population of about 336 individuals distributing in Yangxian county of Shaanxi Province , China .

  4. 陕西省Ⅰ级重点保护动物(兽类)的历史变迁

    Historical flux of the first-rank protected animals ( beasts ) in Shaanxi province

  5. 湖南郴州重点保护动物种类及其分布的初步研究

    A survey on the species and distribution of the important protection animals in

  6. 含国家级保护动物51种.省级重点保护动物44种。

    51 national category protection animals . and 44 provincial category protection animals were seen in the natural reserve .

  7. 可怜的梅花鹿曾经遍布中国,现在成了国家一级重点保护动物。

    Poor spotted deer have spread all over China before , however , they become the country first-level protected animal now .

  8. 叙述了黑龙江省森工湿地野生动物资源状况,包括种类组成、区系特征、国家重点保护动物。

    The article recount the status of resource of wildlife of wetland heilongjiang foest industry . Include : Buildup of species , Flora character protection animals of country emphases .

  9. 《国家重点保护动物名录》中受到保护的蝴蝶只有5种(一级保护蝴蝶1种,二级保护为4种)。

    There are five protected species enlisted in National Protection List of Rare Animal ( 1 kind for 1st class species and 4 kinds for 2nd class species ) .

  10. 首先对《动物名录》中重点保护动物进行认真校对并逐一核实,明确了《动物名录》中的110科、254属共441种国家重点保护动物。

    Firstly , 110 families , 254 genus and 441 species of the national key protected wildlife on the " List " are seriously corrected and verified one by one .

  11. 有脊椎动物29目79科354种,国家重点保护动物40种,中日保护候鸟协定种127种。

    There were 29 orders , 79 families and 354 species of vertebrates , there were 40 state-level emphasized protective animal species . There were 127 migrant birds protected by China and Japan agreement .

  12. 国家重点保护动物有19种,占总数的16.8%,其中属国家Ⅰ级保护动物5种,Ⅱ级保护动物14种。

    There are 19 national protecting animals that take 16.8 % of total species , among them there are 5 species belong to first grade-protecting animal species and 14 species belong to second grade-protecting animal species .

  13. 调查结果表明,广东省深圳市围岭公园有鸟类53种,隶属11目,25科,其中国家二级重点保护动物6种。

    A detail field investigation showed that there were 53 species of birds in Weiling Park of Shenzhen city , Guangdong province , which belong to 11 orders and 25 families , including in state-protected birds 6 species .

  14. 游客对动物说明牌的利用率很高,有91.6%的游客阅读了说明牌,但他们对重点保护动物的认知程度不够,说明教育设施的有效性有待加强。

    The using rate to interpreting signs is high , 91.6 % visitors read the signs , but their cognition to State key protected animals of China is not enough , indicating that the effectiveness of education settings need to be improved .

  15. 水鹿是具很高经济价值的国家Ⅱ级重点保护动物,曾在广东省内广泛分布,但目前仅分布于粤北及粤东和粤西北部的部分地区。

    Sambar , an animal of high economic value and also a protected animal in the category 1 , of the national protected animal list , once widely distributed in Guangdong province , but now only found partly in north , east and northwest regions .

  16. 猕猴属国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物。

    Macaca mulatta is under state class II protected wild animal .

  17. 我国重点保护野生动物等级划分标准的探讨

    Investigation of Standards for Class Division of Wildlife Specially Protected in China

  18. 安阳市国家重点保护野生动物的区系研究

    Fauna Study on Wild Animals under Special State Protection of Anyang City

  19. 国家重点保护野生动物在江苏的资源分布及保护探讨

    Nationally-protected wild animals and their conservation in Jiangsu Province

  20. 陕西省国家重点保护野生动物的现状及分析

    Current status and analysis of national protected animal species in Shaanxi province of China

  21. 人类活动对甘肃境内国家重点保护野生动物的影响

    Investigation on effect of human economic activities on endangered wildlife in Gansu , China

  22. 陕西省重点保护野生动物名录增减变化商讨

    Discussion on the Changes of the List of Key Species of Wildlife within Provincial-protection in Shaanxi

  23. 驯养繁殖国家重点保护野生动物的,应当持有许可证。

    Anyone who intends to domesticate and breed wildlife under special state protection shall obtain a license .

  24. 第十六条禁止猎捕、杀害国家重点保护野生动物。

    Article 16 The hunting , catching or killing of wildlife under special state protection shall be prohibited .

  25. 第二十二条禁止出售、收购国家重点保护野生动物或者其产品。

    Article 22 The sale and purchase of wildlife under special state protection or the products thereof shall be prohibited .

  26. 灰鹤是一类分布广泛的大型迁徙湿地候鸟,在中国列为国家二级重点保护野生动物。

    Common crane ( Grus grus ) is a large migratory wading birds that widely spread , list the second class of protection bird of China .

  27. 猎捕非国家重点保护野生动物的,必须取得狩猎证,并且服从猎捕量限额管理。

    Anyone who intends to hunt or catch wildlife that is not under special state protection must obtain a hunting license and observe the hunting quota assigned .

  28. 第十三条国家和地方重点保护野生动物受到自然灾害威胁时,当地政府应当及时采取拯救措施。

    Article 13 If natural disasters present threats to wildlife under special state or local protection , the local governments shall take timely measures to rescue them .

  29. 有2种在《四川省重点保护野生动物名录》中,占总数的3.33%;还有10种未列入上述2个名录。

    And 2 species are in the legal list of wild animals of priority protection in Sichuan Province , other 10 species don 't belong to these two lists .

  30. 国家重点保护野生动物56种,中国濒危动物红皮书物种39种,国际贸易公约濒危野生动物61种。

    56 species of wild animals are listed as the national key protection , 39 species are listed as the China red list of endangered animals , 61 species are ranked as the threatened wildlife by CITES .