
  • 网络Chongqing Port;Port of Chongqing
  1. 因此,将重庆港改造为现代物流企业是加速西部地区物流业发展的一个重要、方便、可行而有效的途径。

    Therefore , the ship port of Chongqing be changed into modern logistics enterprise is important , convenient , feasible and effective way to accelerate development of logistics industry of west area .

  2. 在此基础之上,对门户系统的安全包括加密技术、身份认证、单点登录、PKI公钥设施等进行了深入研究,以提高门户系统的安全性,完善重庆港门户系统的建设。

    These technologies include encryption technology , security technology , authentication , single-sign-on , PKI public key infrastructure , as so on .

  3. 重庆港外贸集装箱口岸服务体系的探索与分析

    Exploration and Analysis on Port Service System of International Container in Chongqing Port

  4. 最后阐述了重庆港物流系统规划发展对策和实施的措施。

    Last , the development countermeasures of logistics system planning and implementary measures have been explained .

  5. 黄吉来自重庆港货运有限公司,他解释了为什么果园港如此重要。

    Huang Ji , with Chongqing Port Logistics Limited Company , explains why it 's significant .

  6. 目前,该系统运行情况良好,给重庆港上下员工的日常工作带来很大的便利,提高了工作效率,得到客户一致好评。

    At present , the system is running well . It gives staff of Chongqing Port a great convenience in daily work .

  7. 重庆港是长江上游的枢纽港,政府旨在将重庆港打造成为长江上游的航运中心。

    Chongqing port , which is the hub port in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River , will be made into a maritime centre of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River by the government .

  8. 三峡工程建成后,库区河段的航行条件将得到显著改善,为万吨级船队直达重庆港奠定了基础,对促进长江航运发展有着巨大的推动作用。

    After the completion of the Three Gorges project , the navigation conditions of the reservoir region will be improved evidently , which has laid the foundation for straight run of the 10,000-ton-class fleet to Chongqing Port , and is the promotion of the development of shipping in Yangtze River .

  9. 文章以重庆信息港IP网管项目为背景,重点研究、讨论了IP综合故障管理系统的实现。

    This article discusses and implements Integrated IP Fault Management System in ChongQing information harbor project .

  10. 该方案已在重庆网通信息港的IP网络管理系统中得到了成功的应用。

    This solution has already been applied to the ChongQing information harbor IP successfully .

  11. 新商机:重庆楼盘+港式地产服务

    New Business Opportunities : Chongqing Building Plus Hong Kong Real Estate Service

  12. 重庆网通信息港市场竞争策略

    Chongqing CNC Marketing Competitive Strategy Research

  13. 2008年重庆市保税港的成立,对重庆市对外贸易将又是一个重大利好。

    The establishment of the harbour in bond of Chongqing of 2008 , will be a great advantage to the foreign trade of Chongqing .

  14. 西部经济发展的新思路&设立重庆内陆自由港实现经济跳跃发展

    A New Way of the Economical Development of Western China : Setting up the Chongqing Inland Free Port to Realize the Skip Development of Economy

  15. 本文正是结合重庆网通信息港宽带网络有限公司几年的宽带网络运营实践,对城域宽带网络运营模式及策略进行了系列研究。

    By analyzing the past experience of Chongqing CNC Broadband Networks Company , the author develops a series of research on business strategy for a local broadband network carrier .

  16. 随着重庆内陆保税港的顺利实现,必然对提供配套服务的包装产业产生巨大需求,同时也对包装企业的服务能力提出了高要求。

    The Chongqing inland bonded port is realized smoothly , which will inevitably provide a huge demand for the packaging industry , but also place high demand on the service capacity of the packaging enterprises .