
cǎi chá xì
  • Tea Picking Drama;tea-pickers' opera ;local opera based on picking tea leaves
  1. 采茶戏音乐的生发、传播与变异

    The Occurrence , Spreading and Variation of the Tea-Picking Play Music

  2. 抚州采茶戏音乐研究

    The Study of Music of Tea-leaf Picking Opera in Fuzhou

  3. 黄梅戏最初被叫作“黄梅调”或“采茶戏”。

    Huangmei opera was originally called " Huangmei tunes " or " tea-picking opera " .

  4. 这次去湖南旅游,我们特意去欣赏了当地有名的采茶戏。

    We watched the famous Caicha opera when we went to Hunan Province for sightseeing .

  5. 按照历史发展进程的时间顺序,本文将抚州采茶戏的发展分为三个阶段性时期:孕育成型期、发展成熟期和当代现状。

    It was orderly divided into three periods : molding period , developing period and modern period .

  6. 其中曲调程式性特征指从抚州采茶戏音乐的音阶、调式、调性及旋律形态等方面归纳出的具有规律性的曲调特征;

    The formulaic character of melody is concluded by the musical scale , pentatonic modes Tonality and melody .

  7. 后现代语境下采茶戏的生存和发展&以粤北采茶戏为例

    Tea-picking Drama in North Guangdong Province : & Its Present State and Development in the Post-modern Context Today

  8. 因上述各地大多位于广西以南,故又称为桂南采茶戏。

    Due to the above localities , mostly in the south of Guangxi , it is also known as tea-picking opera of southern Guangxi .

  9. 采茶戏,是流行于江西、湖北、湖南、安徽、福建、广东、广西等省区的一种戏曲类别。

    Tea-picking opera is a kind of dramas which spreads widely in Jiangxi , Hubei , Hunan , Anhui , Fujian , Guangdong , Guangxi and other provinces .

  10. 抚州采茶戏语言作为一种特殊的社会方言,是在抚州方言的基础上,依书面化和官话化而形成的。

    As a special social dialect , the language of Tea-Leaf Picking Opera in Fuzhou is based on Fuzhou dialect as " in writing " and " Mandarin " formed .

  11. 采茶戏班演出剧目主要以受老年人欢迎的古装采茶戏为主,并有相对固定的戏路机制。

    The plays of the Tea-picking Play group mainly are ancient dressed tea-picking plays which are welcomed by the elderly , and also have a relatively fixed performance style mechanism .

  12. 桂南采茶戏的审美习惯和价值评判是基于客家人的审美习惯和价值评判的自觉行为,正是这样的自觉行为让桂南采茶戏有着传承客家文化的行动。

    Tea-picking opera of southern Guangxi aesthetic habits and value judgments are based on Hakka culture , habits and aesthetic value judgments on the self-conscious behavior , and this are the action to inherit Hakka culture .

  13. 对于该评价指标体系的科学性,笔者选取了赣南采茶戏和湖口青阳腔进行了实证分析与验证,分析表明该评价指标体系是正确的。

    In order to prove the right of the evaluation system ⅰ took the tea-picking opera of Gannan and Jiangxi Hukou Qingyang cavity for example , and the analysis showed that the evaluation system was correct .

  14. 本文以抚州采茶戏音乐为对象,从历史、音乐形态、代表剧目、文化语境四个不同的维度,就这一剧种音乐进行分析与研究。

    Content : This dissertation is mainly focus on " Music of Fuzhou Tea-leaf Picking Opera " which based on four different points of view : history , musical configuration , typical work and culture context .

  15. 摘要台湾客家三脚采茶戏重要特色之一是「棚头」,且「棚头」在三脚采茶戏演出中,其存在与价值无庸置疑。

    The Taiwan Hakka three-character tea-picking drama one of important characteristics are " the awning head ", also " the awning head " picks the tea-picking in three-character to perform , its existence and the value need doubt .