
  • 网络distribution management;physical distribution management
  1. 以ERP系统为基础,集成设计了基于物联网技术的供应链管理原型系统,主要包括6大子系统,分别为订单管理、采购管理、生产管理、仓储管理、配送管理以及运输管理等。

    Designed on the basis of the old ERP system , the prototype system consists of six subsystems : orders management , purchasing management , production management , warehousing management , distribution management and transportation management .

  2. 最后,采用B/S结构模式,以JSP为前台开发技术、SqlServer2000为后台数据库,对配送管理系统进行实际开发,并实现部分功能。

    Finally , make use of B / S structure model , JSP as the development technology , SQL Server 2000 as the background database , develop a distribution management system actually , and achieve some functions .

  3. 基于UML超市配送管理系统的分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design of Management System of Supermarket Dispatching Based on UML

  4. 基于Multi-Agent的服饰企业分销与物流配送管理系统

    Sale and allocation management system based on Multi-Agent technology in clothing enterprise

  5. 基于ABC银行现金配送管理优化的选址研究

    Research on Selection of Location by Cash Distribution Optimization of ABC Bank

  6. 配送管理作为物流信息系统一部分,使用系统统一的应用模式,从客户端、web服务端和应用服务端进行了结构的设计。

    As a part of Logistics Information System , Admeasure Management System uses uniform application model , and designs the structure from client side , web server side and application server side .

  7. 本文采用J2EE技术和GIS技术设计了面向第三方物流企业的B2B和B2C实时配送管理系统。

    The B2B and B2C real-time distributing management system used for the third party logistics corporation is designed by using J2EE technology and GIS technology in the paper .

  8. 本文详细介绍了邮政物流的业务、功能以及应用,详细描述了基于J2EE架构的邮政物流信息管理系统的开发过程,其中重点介绍了配送管理子系统。

    In this paper , author introduced the operation , function and application of Post Logistics , and particularly described the developing procedure of J2EE-Based Post Logistics Information System , and mostly described the Admeasure Management System .

  9. 通过分析BPR对管理模式创新的适用性以及实施BPR的外部约束,第六章提出了摩托罗拉亚洲物流中心国际配送管理模式创新路径。

    By analyzing the applicability of BPR to management innovation and the external constraints when implementing BPR , It presents the management innovation path of international distribution of Asian logistics center of Motorola in the sixth chapter .

  10. 在配送管理的过程中,经常需要决策的问题是如何找到费用最小的车辆路线,将货物配送到每一位客户的手中,就是VRP问题。

    In the management of delivery , a problem needs being decided frequently is how to seek the most saving vehicle route and give the goods to every customer , which is called VRP .

  11. 探析行动导向的《仓储与配送管理》课程教学改革

    Behavior Orientation the Teaching Reform of " Warehousing Distribution Management "

  12. 铁路车辆制造业准时化生产配送管理

    The Management of JIT Logistics Distribution in Rolling Manufacture Industry

  13. 虚拟库存管理及协同物流配送管理系统研究

    Research on System Management of Virtual Inventory and Collaborative Logistics

  14. 精通财务,人事,市场,物流中心管理,配送管理。

    Master finance , human resource , marketing , distribute center , logistics .

  15. 面向任务的《仓储与配送管理》教学内容体系构建

    Task-oriented Course Content Architecture of Warehouse and Distribution Management

  16. 大连船舶重工船体分段建造中的配送管理研究

    Research on Distribution Management of DSIC Hull Subsection Building

  17. 汽车零部件配套企业网络化配送管理系统研究与应用

    Networked Distribution Management System for Automobile Part Manufacturer

  18. 桶装水配送管理系统的设计与研究

    The Study and Design of Logistics Management System Used for Barreled Drinking Water Enterprise

  19. 空中客车公司可以帮助新的航空公司在飞机采购,采购和配送管理。

    Airbus can assist new airlines in aircraft sourcing , acquisition and delivery management .

  20. 现代供应链物流的储运和配送管理

    The Management of Distribution and Delivery in Terms of Modern Supply Chain and Logistics

  21. 地市供电公司业扩物资配送管理信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Business Expanding Material Information Management System for City Power Supply Company

  22. 铁路燃油配送管理系统

    Railway fuel distribution management system

  23. 在物流配送管理中,合理选择配送路线是有效控制物流成本的关键。

    In distribution management , reasonable selection of distribution route is the key to successful logistic cost control .

  24. 内涵范畴作用任务&美国国防部《科技信息计划》透视录构建高效的信息计划配送管理体系;

    Connotation Scope Role Task sixth , establishing effective planning and distributing management system based on information technology ;

  25. 物流配送管理中的路径优化问题研究优化我国公共图书馆管理的路径分析

    Algorithms for Dynamic Shortest Path in Logistics Management ; On the Way to Optimize China 's Public Library Management

  26. 可以说它在商品配送管理中起着枢纽和基础的重要作用。

    We can say it provides and delivers the important function playing the pivot and foundation while managing in the goods .

  27. 然而,随着社会和科学信息技术的发展,人们更希望在物流运输配送管理上能够实时的满足他们的需求。

    However , as social and scientific development of information technology , people prefer to transport logistics can real-time meet their needs .

  28. 伴随着连锁零售业的蓬勃发展,对库存和配送管理的需求日益增长。

    With the continuous development of chains retailing , retail enterprise pay more attention to inventory and distribution management in supply chain .

  29. 同时,实行虚拟库存和协同物流配送管理也是物流企业管理信息化的一个重要组成部分。

    Meanwhile , the realization of virtual inventory and collaborative distribution is an impertinent part of the information-based management of logistics companies .

  30. 测速绳结用来测量船速的计速绳上的一段大连船舶重工船体分段建造中的配送管理研究

    A division on a log line used to measure the speed of a ship . Research on Distribution Management of DSIC Hull Subsection Building