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  1. 你干吗非扮成郭靖啊?

    Why do you want to play Guo Jing so stubbornly ?

  2. 金庸小说的对照法则与蒙古想象&以《射雕英雄传》郭靖英雄形象的塑造为例

    The Mongolia Character and the Contrast Principle in Jin Yong 's Novel

  3. 你就是我郭靖选中的女婿了。

    You 'll be my chosen son-in-law .

  4. 并以郭靖这个小说人物为例对其身上的儒文化进行了分析。

    Taking Guo Jing a novel personage as an example , it studies the Confucianism culture embodying on him .

  5. 郭靖潜入完颜洪烈的药房,看见地上盘了一根弯弯曲曲的“绳子”。

    The Guo Jing finish sneak in the Yan Hong strong pharmacy and saw ground up the dish a curving " cordage " .

  6. 怀念可爱的傻小子郭靖金庸小说人物评析之二面包师傅不喜欢去这个红头发的自负的傻小子那里拿原料

    Thinking Of Lovely Silly Boy Guo Jing Analysis on Characters in Jin Yong s Novel ( Part ⅱ); Baker loathe go to this red - hair young pup for supplies

  7. 环保部国际合作办公室主任郭靖表示,中国会逐步减少固体垃圾进口名目及数量,并提高进口门槛。

    Guo Jing , director of the International Cooperation Department at the Ministry of Environmental Protection says China will gradually reduce the categories and amount of solid waste imports , and raise the import threshold .