
  • 网络kuo
  1. 介绍了在VB6.0环境下开发的垃圾场运输车辆自动化管理系统,及此系统在牡丹江市郭家沟垃圾处理场的应用效果。

    Waste vehicles automatic management system developed by using VB6.0 and its application effect in Guojiagou landfill site of Mudanjiang city were introduced .

  2. 这阵子我总是去老郭家打牌。

    I always play mahjong at Guo 's house .

  3. 但愿在北京的展览能包括我们当天在郭家洼的录像-村民们和秧歌舞汇成的场景太壮观了。

    Hopefully it will include the film of the dancers and the villagers as they were really spectacular .

  4. 郭家因为其家族成员之间的内斗长久以来都是香港坊间八卦的话题。

    The Kwok family has long been a topic of much gossip in the territory because of feuding among its members .

  5. 通过对江西省郭家滩水电站橡胶坝泄流进行面流消能计算,确定挑角和坎高,为面流消能模型试验提供基本参数。

    Based on the calculation of the submerged bucket dissipation of the flexible dam of Guojiatan hydropower station , the bucket angle and the bucket height were determined .

  6. 香港政府一名曾与许仕仁密切共事多年的退休高官说:许仕仁告诉我,郭家老太太希望他为郭氏兄弟提供建议。

    One retired senior government official , with whom Mr Hui worked closely for a number of years , says : Rafael told me that the Kwoks ' mother looked to him to give the brothers advice .

  7. 《利已主义者》是从1914年直到1919年停刊为止的伦郭一家双周评论的刊名。

    " The egoist " is the title from 1914 until its demise in 1919 of a London fortnightly review .

  8. 从龚奶奶家出来,志愿者走向下一户受助对象郭先生的家。

    At Liujiaxiang Alley , IFChina volunteers " luckily " saw Granny Gong at her home .

  9. 听从“趁活着的时候必须尽量多做些事”这种现代要求的人,可能会成为杰出的克尔恺郭尔式审美家。

    The person who heeds the modern imperative to do as much as possible before she dies risks becoming the Kierkegaardian aesthete par excellence .