
  1. 简单的防范措施(如在学生进校高峰期增加值班人员)是不顶多少用的,最彻底的办法应该是对像郑民生这样的“病人”进行有效防治。

    The fundamental way is to prevent and give apt treatment to patients like Zheng .

  2. 中国日报援引南京大学社会学教授朱力的话说,郑民生的案件引发了一系列的模仿。

    China Daily newspaper quoted Nanjing University sociology professor Zhu Li saying Zheng 's attack inspired copycats .

  3. 从报道可以看出,凶手郑民生当天出来,就是要行凶杀人且不针对特定对象。

    According to the report , the murderer Zheng Mingsheng went out right from home to kill any student he saw without a specific target .

  4. 治,是指政府与社会都要关心像郑民生这种被社会边缘化的“失败者”,让他们的心理健康起来,阳光起来。

    Here , giving apt treatment means the government and society should go hand in hand to care about those " losers " on the brim of our society like Zheng , making them mentally healthier and sunnier .