
  1. 华东师范大学中文系教授罗岗十分赞同郑欣教授的观点。

    Luo Gang , professor in Chinese literature at East China Normal University , agrees .

  2. 来自南京大学新闻传播学院的郑欣教授表示,相比精英文化,草根文化在中国正开始崭露头角。

    Zheng Xin , professor at the School of Journalism & Communication at Nanjing University , says a grassroots-oriented rather than elite-based culture is emerging in China .

  3. 我想提到郑欣医生,他给我们提出了很棒的治疗计划,并用他的爱心很真心照顾好他的每一个病人。

    I would also want to commend Dr Xin Zheng for excellence in preparing my treatment plans also his compassion in dealing with each patient under his care .