  • a state during the Zhou Dynasty;Zhou-period kingdom;Surname
  • 中国周代诸侯国名,在今河南省密县东北。

  • 姓。

  1. 根据文献记载,再从时空方面进行对比分析,古城寨城址很可能就是历史上的“祝融之墟”。沿用至西周时期则为郐国故城。

    Based on the relative document , the article thinks the sites may be " the ruins of Zhurong period " in history and it was used as the city of Kuai state in the Western Zhou dynasty .

  2. 郐宁镇地处长安西北部,在中晚唐时期的唐蕃战争和军事对峙中,起着进可攻退可守的作用,战略位置非常重要。

    The Binning prefecture located in the northwest of Chang ' an in the late Tang Dynasty on the war and military confrontation which plays back into the attack and defend the action , strategic position is very important .