
  • 网络mail survey;postal survey;Mail Interview
  1. 方法采用邮寄调查问卷的方式对四川省52个县市的183例精神病违法者进行调查。

    Methods By mail-questionnaire , 183 offenders with mental disorder in 52 counties , Sichuan province were investigated .

  2. 方法采用邮寄调查问卷、电话问讯办案人员的方式对90例无刑事责任能力案例进行调查,并统计分析有关资料。

    Methods : Data about 90 cases with irresponsibility was collected by mail or telephone questionnaire , and statistically analyzed .

  3. 最后一点顾虑则是该研究通过邮寄调查问卷而不是进行实际的临床随访,这样并没有进行反复的体格检查。

    Anal concern was the use of mail-in questionnaires rather than actual clinical follow-up as this precluded repeat physical examinations .

  4. 方法:邮寄调查量表和访谈方式调查130例脑卒中康复存活3年以上患者的生活满意度。

    Method : The life satisfactions of 130 patients with stroke 3 year after rehabilitation were investigated by mailed questionaire or personal interviews .

  5. 一些专家还建议邮寄广告调查,邀请人们做出回应。

    Some experts even suggest sending out mailshot surveys which invite responses from your address book .

  6. 研究人员向1303位参与兰乔伯纳多研究的女性邮寄了调查问卷,被调查人群居住在加州市郊的一个社区中,该社区从1972年开始存在至今。

    The researchers mailed a questionnaire to 1,303 women who had participated in the Rancho Bernardo Study , a survey of people in a suburban California community that has been ongoing since 1972 .

  7. 经抽样总计656家公司,以邮寄问卷方式调查,共寄出1383份,回收有效样本339份。

    Amounts to 656 companies after sampling , mails questionnaire to investigation , altogether sends 1,383 ; recycling effective sample 339 .