
  • 网络Qionghai Lake
  1. 邛海水生生态系统健康评价

    Health Assessments on the Hydrophytic Ecosystem of Qionghai Lake

  2. 邛海生活污水治理方案的比较分析与选择

    The Comparison and the Selection among the Projects of Treating Sewage around the Qionghai Lake

  3. 二维散点-分类NDVI法的邛海湖面积估算研究

    Area estimation of Qionghai by using 2-D scattered points-classification NDVI method

  4. 方法根据全球卫星定位系统(GPS)测绘图及钉螺调查结果,在西昌市邛海周边4个乡,选择196个点进行疫水测定。

    Methods Mice bioassay was carried out in 196 sites selected from 20 demonstration villager groups with different human infections of the area based on GPS ( global positioning systems ) digitized map and the snail survey results .

  5. 以邛海流域的环境规划为案例进行分析,设计了2005&2015年的4种情景,并利用系统动力学模型(SD)和不确定性模糊多目标模型(IFMOP)对情景进行了定量描述和分析。

    Besides , Lake Qionghai Basin , Sichuan Province is further employed as a case study . With system dynamics ( SD ) model and inexact fuzzy multiobjective programming ( IFMOP ) model , four scenarios from 2005 to 2015 are properly designed , scientifically quantified and finally analyzed .

  6. 四川西昌邛海第四纪盆地成因的探讨

    Origin of the Quaternary Qionghai basin , xichang , sichuan Province

  7. 邛海流域泥石流形成机理及防治措施

    The Formation Mechanism of the Mudflow in Qionghai Valley and Preventing Measures

  8. 西昌邛海泸山旅游地质资源特征

    Tourist resources of Geosciences in the Qionghai Lake Lushan Mountain area , xichang

  9. 邛海秋冬季鸟类组成

    Bird composition at Qionghai Lake in autumn and winter

  10. 四川邛海湖湿地水生维管植物的现状调查

    The Current Status of Aquatic Vascular Plant in the Wetland around Qionghai Lake

  11. 邛海湖冬季湿地鸟类数量变动及保护建议

    The Numerical Changes of Swamp Birds in Winter in Qionghai Lake and Their Protection

  12. 以邛海为例进行的城市湖泊景观修复与更新研究

    Study on Reconstruction and Renewal of Urban Lake Landscape with the Example of Qionghai

  13. 邛海高山型血吸虫病流行区不同人群疫水暴露方式和时间

    Water exposure modes and times of different populations in mountainous schistosomiasis endemic areas near Qionghai lake

  14. 评估结果显示,邛海流域生态脆弱度综合指数为3.035,已呈中-强脆弱程度。

    The results showed that the value of integrated index was 3.035 , and the fragility degree reached medium-strong level .

  15. 邛海湿地外来入侵物种现状调查及对邛海湿地的影响我曾仔细地查阅了最老的航海志。

    Present Situation of Invasive Species in QiongHai Wetland and Their Impact on Its Ecosystem I have carefully searched the oldest voyages .

  16. 四川省西昌市邛海湖湿地现状及其鸟类保护

    On the Current Situation of Dank Place and the Protection of the Bird around the Qionghai Lake in Xichang of Sichuan Province

  17. 四川邛海湖湿地鸟类种群多样性及邛海湖生态评价我国沿海湿热地区三七适宜贮藏技术研究

    Population Diversity of Birds in the Wetland around Qionghai Lake and Ecological Assessment of Qionghai Lake in Sichuan Province Storage Technology Notoginseng

  18. 湖泊型风景区的保护与利用&以邛海泸山景区规划为例

    The Protection and Utilization of Lake Scenery & With the Planning of Qionghai Lushan Scenic Area as the Example Lushan Mountain-A Scenic Wonder In East China

  19. 因此,要作好流域内的水土保持工程,加快污水管道建设,才能改善邛海生态环境。

    Therefore , soil and water conservation engineering should be well done and the construction of sewage conduit should be strengthened to improve the eco-environment of the Qionghai Lake .

  20. 本文阐述了邛海水体污染及其生态环境破坏的状况,剖析了污染源及其危害。

    This article discusses the water pollution and the existing damage of ecological system of Lake Qionghai . Then , it analyzes the reason of the water pollution and its danger .

  21. 以邛海流域的泥石流为例,分析了邛海流域内的泥石流形成机理,并提出了相应的防治措施。

    Taking the mudflow in the Qionghai Valley as the example , this paper analyzes on the formation mechanism of the mudflow , and puts forward some corresponding measures for preventing .

  22. 介绍了邛海的基本情况及水质现状,通过计算不同途径的入湖和出湖污染物量,分析了邛海湖区的污染物平衡。

    The paper introduces the present situation of water quality and basic information of Qionghai lake , and analyzes pollutant balance in Qionghai lake based on calculating different pollutant contents entering to the lake and flowing out of the lake .

  23. 报道了1988年9~11月初,西昌邛海及海滨区的鸟类组成,相对数量的变动,候鸟的来去和旅鸟旅经的时间,可供鸟类生态学、野生动物保护管理部门参考。

    The paper reported the bird composition , the relative number change , the climate bird 's coming and going as well as the time of travelling bird 's travelling through Qionghai lake and its coast in September to November , 1988 .