  • another name for Nanning
  • 古同“雍”,和睦,和谐。

  • 古同“壅”,堵塞。

  • 〔~江〕水名,在中国广西壮族自治区。

  • 中国广西壮族自治区南宁市的别称。

  1. 试析蔡邕的道德论

    An Analysis of Cai Yong 's Morality Theory

  2. 成渝筑邕城市经济走廊共建面临的六大难题

    Six difficult problems in Chengdu-Chongqing-Guiyang-Nanning urban economic zone

  3. 成-渝-筑-邕经济带物流通道能力分析

    Analysis of logistics channel capacity of Chengdu - Chongqing - Guiyang - Nanning Economic Zone

  4. 今日,开封市陈留村桃花洞前还保存着蔡邕墓和石碑。

    Today one can still find the tomb and tombstone of Cai Yong at peach blossom cave in Chenliu village of kaifeng .

  5. 这部分根据上文分析推断百色话应属桂南粤语邕浔片。

    This part infers the Baise speech according to preceding text analysis to be supposed to be south the cassiabarktree the Cantonese Nanning yongxun piece .

  6. 但是,无论蔡邕、孔融本人,还是他们所推荐的边让、祢衡,最后的命运都很悲惨,全都招致杀身之祸。

    But all of them eventually got tragic fates , whether Cai Yong and Kong Rong themselves , or Bian Rang and Mi Heng they recommended .

  7. 杜甫在思想行为、文学创作、艺术审美方面、均受到李邕程度不同的影响。

    In ideology , behavior , literature creation , appreciation of beauty in art and etc , Du Fu had been influenced by Li Yong to varying extent .

  8. 为迎接元妃省亲,贾府上下开邕忙碌,还专修了一座大观园。

    The Jia family relaxed after hearing the news . In order to welcome the homecoming imperial concubine , the Jia family became busier and built a garden of grand views for the occasion .

  9. 蔡邕能够从木材燃烧时发出的爆裂声来辨别木材的好坏,充分说明了“耳闻”不一定“不如目见”。

    That Cai Yong could tell the quality of wood by listening to its crackling sound while it was burning in the kitchen stove makes it crystal clear that " hearing " is not necessarily less reliable that " seeing " .

  10. 中法战争以后,随着龙、梧、邕等城市开埠,大量的洋货输入广西各地市场,促使广西近代新型市场体系的形成;

    After the Sino-French war , hold the port as dragon , phoenix tree , Yong , etc. , a large amount of foreign goods input the regional market of Guangxi , impel the forming of the modern new-type market system in Guangxi ;
