
Four years ago , government mouthpiece China Daily wrote a story about the city titled ' Democracy takes root in rural areas . ' It chronicled Dengzhou 's measures to involve more residents in the vetting of proposals relating to villages in the region ,
Mainly include the natural conditions and the basic position .
No one , evidently , thought the farmers would get quite so innovative .
This isn 't the first time Dengzhou has made headlines for unusual political news .
They also tried to build up their own ' civil service , ' sending out recruitment ads that attracted more than 10 applicants before the real government shut it down .
State media recently reported that a ' People 's Government of Dengzhou ' set up in central Henan province was toppled after it was found , in fact , to be a fraud .
According to reports , the government was set up late last year by three residents who had gone so far as to counterfeit fake government seals and issue papers in the bogus government 's name .