
lín xuǎn
  • select sb. for a post;select;choose;select prudently;choose sb. for a post
遴选 [lín xuǎn]
  • [select prudently; choose sb. for a post] 慎重地选拔;审重选择

  • 一介之任,必欲因能;讲艺之臣,犬为遴选。--王安石《辞男雱说书札子》

  • 遴选总统候选人的艰巨任务

遴选[lín xuǎn]
  1. 该公司还将发布一款SDK,对于希望为Leap进行开发的开发者,他们将在遴选之后为其提供Leap感应器。

    The company is also releasing an SDK and giving sensors to select developers who want to develop for the system .

  2. 一种应用于人才遴选的扩展型决策支持系统

    A Expansive Decision Support System Used in Select of Qualified Manpower

  3. 竞聘者按遴选考试结果择优录用。

    Applicants are selected for jobs on the results of a competitive examination .

  4. “我认为错在那些遴选者,”他说。

    ' I blame the selectors , ' quoth he .

  5. 只有大约50名学生能够获得邀请,遴选依据是笔试成绩和在美国数学奥林匹克比赛中的表现。

    Only about 50 students are invited based on their performance on written tests and at the USA Math Olympiad .

  6. Cp准则应用于遴选最佳ANOVA模型

    Application of the Cp Criterion to Selecting Best ANOVA Model

  7. 对遴选的洪泛土壤对N和P滤过截留作用的影响因子进行了灰色关联分析,得出了洪泛湿地土壤对N和P滤过截留作用的影响因子的强弱排序。

    Grey relationship was analyzed for N and P interception function of each factor in the flooding wetland soils . The sequence of the factors in were determined .

  8. 主持新任首席执行长遴选的董事汤普森(JOHNW.Thompson)表示,董事会正在有条不紊地为一个非常复杂的职位寻找合适人选。

    John W. Thompson , the director leading the CEO search , says the board is methodically seeking the right person for a complex role .

  9. 负责遴选展品的是一家位于比利时和荷兰的工作室StudioJob,本身就有着珍奇百宝屋的风格。

    They have been selected by Studio Job , an atelier based in Belgium and the Netherlands that is itself sprinkled with the dust of the Wunderkammer .

  10. 这是一个让IMF真正进步、加强遴选过程的极好机会,德格雷戈里奥表示。

    This is a great opportunity for the Fund to really move forward and strengthen the selection process , De Gregorio said .

  11. 避暑山庄于1994年根据文化遗产遴选标准C(II)(IV)被列入《世界遗产名录》(编号:200-011)。

    The Mountain Resort was included in the World Heritage List ( code : 200-011 ) according to Cultural Heritage selecting criteria C ( II )( IV ) in1994 .

  12. 针对DEA只能用于相对有效性评价的不足,提出了遴选参考集的解决思路。

    For solving the problem which DEA only can use to evaluate relative efficiency , a method of choosing reference DMUs is proposed .

  13. 淮化Texaco气化炉备选煤种所用水煤浆分散剂的遴选

    The choice of dispersants of coal-water slurry used in Texaco gasifier of the Huainan Chemical Group

  14. 借助机械系统动力学仿真分析软件ADAMS,探讨了在计算力矩、模糊变结构控制策略和所遴选的轨迹规划方法下,机械手的控制效果。

    By using the simulation software ADAMS , the performance of manipulator which employing the designed control algorithms and the selected path planning method has been discussed .

  15. 微软周二表示,领导新任首席执行官遴选工作的董事会董事约翰汤普森(JohnThompson),将接替盖茨出任董事长。

    John Thompson , a director on the board who led the search for a new chief , will replace Mr Gates as chairman , Microsoft said on Tuesday .

  16. 由于Camellia算法在各种平台都表现出了卓越的密码性能,并且经受住了来自各种攻击的考验。2002年2月,Camellia算法被遴选为普通型分组密码标准。

    Camellia was chosen as European block cipher standard in February 2002 because of the excellent performance in various platform and its withdrawing many attack ways .

  17. 针对评审专家遴选因素的复杂性和不确定性,构建了基于D-S证据理论的多遴选指标层次结构模型。

    Considering the complicated and uncertain factors in peer expert selection , a multi-level model with selection criteria is constructed based on D-S Evidence Theory .

  18. 首先介绍遴选企业能力评估方法的标准,并选择Bayes网络技术作为评估企业能力的主要方法;

    First , the author introduces the standard to choose the evaluation system for the enterprise capability , and then select Bayes network as the major methodology to evaluate .

  19. 并对其颁布的虚拟元件转让规范和VC描述、遴选、转让的属性和格式标准作了重点介绍。

    And introduce the content of the " VC Transfer Specification " and the " Virtual Component Attributes With Formats for Profiling , Selection , and Transfer Standard " that developed by VCT DWG .

  20. GMI正在开发一个数据库,用于帮助公司客户扩大遴选董事的范围。

    GMI is developing a database to help company clients expand the kinds of directors they recruit to their boards .

  21. 共遴选了26位国内知名的公共卫生学者和专家参加了两轮指标体系Delphi法专家问卷咨询调查,第一、二轮咨询调查的专家积极系数分别为0.71和0.94。

    Twenty-Four ( 26 ) experts and scholars working in public health area were selected to participate in two-round Delphi questionnaire survey . The active coefficients of first and second round are 0.71 and 0.94 , respectively .

  22. 介绍利用Visualc++工具对机械传动综合实验台进行多方案的比较、遴选,并在满足一定约束条件下,获得最优方案,使得设计出的机械传动综合实验台结构紧凑、效率高。

    Some schemes of test system with multipurpose of mechanical transmission were compared and selected in the environment of Visual C + + . The optimal scheme with certain constraint conditions was obtained , with the result that the test system designed has a compact size and high efficiency .

  23. 采用FCM方法对基因表达的微阵列数据进行聚类分析,应用核回归和PP回归相结合的方法设计预报器,利用决定系数遴选父代基因集合。

    FMC clustering is used for gene expression data , a combination of kernel regression and projection pursuit regression introduced into the design of predictors , and coefficient of determination used as a criterion in selecting the target gene 's parent sets .

  24. 人才咨询公司美世英国(MercerUK)的人力资源总监西沃恩马丁(SiobhanMartin)对此表示赞同,她提到,对弱势青年或脆弱人群开展工作的社区服务团体实行特别严苛的遴选过程。

    Siobhan Martin , HR director at Mercer UK , the talent consultancy , agrees , noting that community services groups that work with disadvantaged youth or vulnerable people have an especially exacting selection process .

  25. 为解决Benchmarking中标杆企业的选定问题,确立了基于标杆量化的指导思想,提出了利用小标杆,并借助DEA方法进行标杆候选企业的遴选。

    In order to resolve the issue for Benchmarking enterprise selection , establishing the guiding idea based on the benchmark quantification , bringing forward using small benchmark , and then by means of DEA method Benchmark candidate enterprise selection is processed .

  26. CNKI数据库的灵活使用必将会在文稿首创性的判断、评审专家的遴选以及引文与参考文献的核实等方面为编辑审稿提供强有力的帮助。

    The flexible utilization of CNKI database will be quite helpful for examining manuscripts in the areas of innovation evaluation of manuscripts , selection of experts for examining manuscripts , and verification of quotations and references .

  27. 律师们称,这项由司法专员维维安雷丁(vivianereding)倡导的计划存在缺陷,即未能在董事会成员遴选机制上设定明确的规则。

    Lawyers said the plan championed by Viviane Reding , justice commissioner had shortcomings as it failed to set clear rules on mechanisms for selecting board members .

  28. 目的探讨中原地区遗传性非息肉病性大肠癌(HNPCC)的表型特征,为制订适合我国国情的HNPCC遴选标准提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the phenotype feature of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer ( HNPCC ) in the population of middle area in China and to provide scientific basis for formulating the diagnosis criteria of HNPCC suitable for Chinese .

  29. 中国2006年招标修建核反应堆时,技术转让就是遴选过程中的重要考虑因素之一,而中标的美国西屋电气(Westinghouse)同意把交出其第三代核反应堆的设计方案作为协议的一部分。

    When awarding nuclear reactor contracts in 2006 , technology transfer was a big factor in the bid selection process , and the winning company , Westinghouse , agreed to hand over the plans for its third-generation nuclear reactor as part of the deal .

  30. 例如,fukui表示,中国没几家公司具备全程运作购物中心项目的专业经验,从整个项目的开发和维护,到遴选合适的商家入驻,并懂得如何帮助租户增加营收。

    For example , Mr Fukui says there are very few companies in China with expertise in handling shopping mall projects from start to finish , from developing and maintaining the overall site through to selecting the right tenants and knowing how to help tenants increase revenues .